Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (2024)

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (1)

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Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derivedfrom line shapes of TOF-SIMS spectra measured by the

ROSETTA/COSIMA instrumentKlaus Hornung, Eva Maria Mellado, John Paquette, Nicolas Fray, HenningFischer, Oliver Stenzel, Donia Baklouti, Sihane Merouane, Yves Langevin,

Anais Bardyn, et al.

To cite this version:Klaus Hornung, Eva Maria Mellado, John Paquette, Nicolas Fray, Henning Fischer, et al.. Electricalproperties of cometary dust particles derived from line shapes of TOF-SIMS spectra measured bythe ROSETTA/COSIMA instrument. Planetary and Space Science, Elsevier, 2020, 182, pp.104758.�10.1016/j.pss.2019.104758�. �insu-02309198�

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (2)

Journal Pre-proof

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived from line shapes of TOF-SIMSspectra measured by the ROSETTA/COSIMA instrument

Klaus Hornung, Eva Maria Mellado, John Paquette, Nicolas Fray, Henning Fischer,Oliver Stenzel, Donia Baklouti, Sihane Merouane, Yves Langevin, Anais Bardyn,Cecile Engrand, Hervé Cottin, Laurent Thirkell, Christelle Briois, Paola Modica, JouniRynö, Johan Silen, Rita Schulz, Sandra Siljeström, Harry Lehto, Kurt Varmuza,Andreas Koch, Jochen Kissel, Martin Hilchenbach

PII: S0032-0633(19)30152-7

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2019.104758

Reference: PSS 104758

To appear in: Planetary and Space Science

Received Date: 17 April 2019

Accepted Date: 24 September 2019

Please cite this article as: Hornung, K., Mellado, E.M., Paquette, J., Fray, N., Fischer, H., Stenzel, O.,Baklouti, D., Merouane, S., Langevin, Y., Bardyn, A., Engrand, C., Cottin, Hervé., Thirkell, L., Briois, C.,Modica, P., Rynö, J., Silen, J., Schulz, R., Siljeström, S., Lehto, H., Varmuza, K., Koch, A., Kissel, J.,Hilchenbach, M., Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived from line shapes of TOF-SIMSspectra measured by the ROSETTA/COSIMA instrument, Planetary and Space Science (2019), doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2019.104758.

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Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (3)

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived from line shapes of TOF-SIMS spectra 1

measured by the ROSETTA/COSIMA instrument. 2


Klaus Hornung1,a, Eva Maria Mellado1, John Paquette2, Nicolas Fray3, Henning Fischer2, Oliver 4

Stenzel2, Donia Baklouti4, Sihane Merouane2, Yves Langevin4, Anais Bardyn5, Cecile Engrand6, 5

Hervé Cottin3, Laurent Thirkell7, Christelle Briois7, Paola Modica7, Jouni Rynö8, Johan Silen8, 6

Rita Schulz9, Sandra Siljeström10, Harry Lehto11, Kurt Varmuza12, Andreas Koch13, Jochen 7

Kissel2, Martin Hilchenbach2. 8


(1) Universität der Bundeswehr München, LRT-7, 85577 Neubiberg, Germany. 10

(2) Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Justus von Liebig Weg 3, 37077 Göttingen, 11

Germany. 12

(3) Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (LISA), UMR CNRS 7583, 13

Université Paris-Est-Créteil, Université de Paris, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, 14

France. 15

(4) Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS / Université Paris Sud, Bâtiment 121, 91405 Orsay, 16

France. 17

(5) DTM, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, DC, USA. 18

(6) Centre de Sciences Nucléaires et de Sciences de la Matière, Bat.104, 91405 Orsay 19

Campus, France. 20

(7) Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l’Environnement et de l’Espace(LPC2E), UMR CNRS 21

7328, Université d’Orléans, F-45071 Orléans, France. 22

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (4)

(8) Finnish Meteorological Institute, Climate Research, Erik Palmenin aukio 1, P.O.Box 503, FI-23

00101 Helsinki, Finland. 24

(9) European Space Agency, Scientific Support Office, Keplerlaan 1, Postbus 299, 2200 AG 25

Noordwijk, The Netherlands. 26

(10) RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioscience and Materials, Chemistry,Materials and 27

Surfaces, Box 5607, SE-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden. 28

(11) Tuorla Observatory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku, 29

Väisäläntie 20, 33 21500 Piikkiö, Finland. 30

(12) Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Vienna University of 31

Technology, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 7/105-6, 1040 Vienna, Austria. 32

(13) Von ho*rner und Sulger GmbH, Schlossplatz 8, 68723 Schwetzingen, Germany. 33



Keywords: Cometary dust, Rosetta mission, electrical properties, time-of-flight mass spectra, 36

sample charging. 37

a) [emailprotected]. 38







Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (5)

Abstract: 45

Between Aug. 2014 and Sept. 2016, while ESA’s cornerstone mission Rosetta was operating in 46

the vicinity of the nucleus and in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the 47

COSIMA instrument collected a large number of dust particles with diameters up to a millimeter. 48

Positive or negative ions were detected by a time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometer 49

(TOF-SIMS) and the composition of selected particles was deduced. Many of the negative ion 50

mass spectra show, besides mass peaks at the correct position, an additional, extended 51

contribution at the lower mass side caused by partial charging of the dust. This effect, usually 52

avoided in SIMS applications, can in our case be used to obtain information on the electrical 53

properties of the collected cometary dust particles, such as the specific resistivity (�� > 1.2 ∙54

10٠) and the real part of the relative electrical permittivity (�� < 1.2). From these values a 55

lower limit for the porosity is derived (� > 0.8). 56


1. Introduction 58

The COSIMA instrument (COmetary Secondary Ion Mass Analyser, Kissel et al. 2007) collected 59

dust particles in the inner coma of comet 67P in an unprecedented state of preservation due to 60

the impact at low speeds (a few /�) onto highly porous and low reflectance metal targets 61

(Schulz et al. 2015, Hilchenbach et al. 2016). During the 2 years of the comet escort phase, the 62

instrument continuously measured and transmitted mass spectra from the collected dust 63

particles, contributing to numerous aspects of their chemical composition. The elemental 64

composition of the 67P particles is similar, within a factor of 3, to the one of CI chondrites for the 65

inorganic fraction. As already measured in the particles of 1P/Halley, the 67P particles have a 66

large enrichment in carbon compared to CI chondrites and the organic matter could represent 67

about 45% of the mass of the cometary particles (Bardyn et al., 2017). The carbonaceous 68

matter should be of high molecular weight (Fray et al., 2016) with a N/C = 0.035 ± 0.011 (Fray 69

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (6)

et al. 2017) and H/C = 1.04 ± 0.16 (Isnard et al., 2019, in press). The cometary H/C elemental 70

ratios are in most cases higher than the values found in the Insoluble Organic Matter (IOMs), 71

extracted from carbonaceous chondrites. This could imply that cometary organic matter is less 72

altered than the organic matter in chondritic IOMs. Evidence for calcium-aluminium-rich 73

inclusions (CAI’s) has been found in one of the dust particles (Paquette 2016). The isotopic 74

ratios 34S/32S and 18O/16O are both consistent with the terrestrial standards within the error bars, 75

but the sulfur ratio is significantly higher than that measured in several gaseous species in the 76

coma of 67P (Paquette et al. 2017 and 2018). 77


In addition to chemical information, COSIMA delivered images of the collected dust from the 79

built-in microscope camera COSISCOPE which enabled analysis of the dust flux and its time 80

evolution along the comet’s trajectory inbound and outbound from the sun (Merouane et al. 81

2016 and 2017). The images further revealed that the collected dust particles are agglomerates 82

made up of smaller subunits (Langevin et al. 2016). An analysis of the fragmentation caused by 83

the impact at collection led to the conclusion that, in many cases, those subunits possess a 84

mechanical stability of their own and therefore have been denoted as „elements“ (Hornung et al. 85

2016). Atomic force microscope analysis from the MIDAS instrument onboard Rosetta (Bentley 86

et al. 2016, Mannel et al. 2016) suggested that these elements have further substructures on 87

the submicron scale. Optical scattering studies revealed volume scattering on the scale of the 88

elements and that the dust has high transparency and likely high porosity (Langevin et al. 2017). 89


The collected dust particles turned out to have low electrical conductivity such that those 91

elements of the agglomerate, which are located within the footprint of the spectrometer’s 92

primary ion beam (8�����), can be positively charged. Small displacements of the elements 93

were often detected in the images taken immediately after the spectra acquisition. The charging 94

could even lead to fragmentation of larger particles which survived the impact at collection 95

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (7)

undamaged, as has been shown by dedicated in situ experiments (Hilchenbach et. al, 2017). 96

The fragment size distribution due to the Lorentz forces, induced by charging, was almost 97

identical to the case of impact fragmentation, i.e. two completely different physical fragmentation 98

mechanisms result in a similar outcome and the conclusion is that the elements are already 99

present in the incoming dust as separate entities. When the COSIMA operations began to focus 100

on negative mode mass spectra, an asymmetry in the line shapes was observed, consisting in a 101

large contribution preceding the main mass peak, expanding up to 10 times the width of the 102

main peak, which was still narrow and located at the expected mass position. This asymmetry 103

appears because the electrical potentials of COSIMA’s time-of-flight section are distorted from 104

their optimum values, due to the charging of the dust particles, and we found that it reflects 105

information on the electrical properties of the dust. This information would have been lost by the 106

use of an electron gun to compensate the charging, which is usually the case in secondary ion 107

mass spectrometry operation in the laboratory. Such electrical properties, especially the real 108

part of the permittivity, can be used to derive limits on the dust’s porosity. This method 109

represents a standard tool in geology (e.g. Rust et al. 1999) and it is also used when probing 110

the surface and subsurface areas of airless bodies in the planetary system, mostly by remote 111

radar techniques (e.g. Campbell and Ulrichs 1969, Boivin et al. 2018, Hickson et al. 2018). 112

During Rosetta’s lander Philae operation in November 2014, the radiowave transmission 113

instrument CONSERT and the impedance probe SESAME-PP derived the porosity of the 114

comet’s subsurface from electrical permittivity data, the former by radio waves crossing the 115

comet nucleus, and the latter injecting an AC current in the low frequency range at the landing 116

near-surface (Kofmann et al. 2015, Herique et al. 2017, Lethuillier et al. 2016). 117


The present report analyzes the line asymmetry observed in COSIMA’s negative secondary ion 119

mass spectra with the goal to derive electrical properties, and from this an estimate of the 120

porosity of the dust’s elements. Sec. 2 briefly introduces the reader to the problem by giving 121

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (8)

details of the physical environment on the collection targets on which the dust is trapped, 122

showing examples of the asymmetrical line shapes and reporting on tests with COSIMA’s 123

laboratory model („reference model, RM“). Sec. 3 presents a numerical scheme to calculate the 124

line profiles by modelling the relevant line broadening mechanisms with open parameters, to be 125

fitted to COSIMA’s flight spectra. Since it has been observed that the charging reaches a 126

limiting value after less than a second, a current must flow in the stationary state from the 127

charged elements to the grounded target. In Sec. 4 this treatment is applied to the COSIMA 128

negative mode mass spectra and values for the model parameters are derived, the charging 129

potential being the most important one. Further technical details are provided in the Appendix. 130

The implications for the comet’s dust electrical properties are then discussed in Sec. 5. Based 131

on the findings on the charging potential and the kind of current conduction, a lower limit for the 132

specific resistivity of the elements is derived. Using a series of spectra acquisitions with 133

increasing exposure time gives an upper limit for the charge-up time. By combining with the 134

lower limit of the resistivity, an upper limit for the real part of the relative electrical permittivity at 135

direct-current conditions (DC) follows. This upper limit is then used to derive a lower limit for the 136

porosity of the dust’s elements by applying known mixing rules, which determine the permittivity 137

of the porous matter from the corresponding values of the compact constituents. 138








Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (9)

2. Observational data 146


2.1 Physical environment of the collected dust on the target 148

Dust particles from comet 67P were collected by impact onto 1x1� �sized metal targets (Au or 149

Ag) covered with a 10 to 20 thick layer of a highly porous metal structure having grain sizes 150

of a few tens of nanometers. This layer is referred to as „metal black“ due to its deep black 151

appearance in visible light which provides an ideal background for optical inspection. The speed 152

of the incoming dust particles was a few /� (Rotundi et al. 2015). Fig. 1 shows a SEM image 153

of a metal black structure with collected particles embedded in it from pre-flight laboratory 154

collection experiments (Hornung et al. 2014). The image illustrates what was expected prior to 155

the cometary encounter: many dust particles of micron size are dispersed amid the metal black 156

within the ion beam’s footprint area (about 35"50 �) such that the conductive target can 157

compensate possible charging of the dust particles. 158

Fig. 1. Pre-flight laboratory collection experiments: SEM image showing dust particles (dark 159

smooth areas) embedded in highly porous silver black (the fluffy and lighter material on the 160

image). 161

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (10)


The reality at the comet turned out to be different. Fig. 2 shows a COSISCOPE image of 67P 163

dust particles collected on a gold black target at a resolution of about 10 (by using the 164

resolution enhanced Nyquist mode, see Langevin et al. 2016), much lower than in the laboratory 165

SEM image of Fig. 1. The dust particles are larger than expected, a few 100 up to 1 , as 166

seen by their lateral extent as well as their cast shadow.The image clearly shows the 167

agglomerate structure with subunits („elements“) having sizes of several tens of micrometers 168

such that a few of them may be located within the footprint of the primary ion beam. 169



Fig. 2. Dust particle Jessica (upper left), collected on the gold black target 2CF on Jan. 26,2015, 172

imaged Feb. 10, 2015 (white square: position of SIMS measurement). For naming conventions 173

see Langevin et al. 2016. 174


Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (11)



2.2 Observation of asymmetrical line shapes in the COSIMA negative spectra 178

During the SIMS analysis of the collected dust particles, the spectra in negative ion mode 179

featured mass lines with shapes changing in a very peculiar way: Left from the line peak, i.e. at 180

lower mass values, there evolves a long signal extension which grows in intensity when the dust 181

particle gets increasingly into the focus of the ion beam. Generally asymmetries appear 182

whenever there is a deviation of the spectrometer’s electrical potential settings from their 183

optimum design values. However, operational variations of the instrument settings could be 184

ruled out, since they were continuously measured and transmitted to ground together with every 185

spectrum and did not show any changes. It thus became obvious that surface charging was 186

building up on the dust particle, a known side effect in laboratory SIMS applications when the 187

probe has low electrical conductivity (Werner and Morgan 1976). 188


Fig. 3 shows examples for the mass lines 12C, 16O, 32S and 197Au measured at the dust particle 190

of Fig. 2. Due to their special shape we denote these profiles hereinafter as „left shoulder“ 191

profiles. While most of the line profiles show this asymmetry, some do not, such as 197Au, which 192

obviously originates from uncharged target areas which may remain within the focus of the 193

primary ion beam. In contrast, when the primary ion beam hits the gold black target only, all 194

lines show symmetric shapes. Due to the SIMS high detection sensitivity, even on these “empty” 195

parts of the gold black target one observes, besides gold, a multitude of lines from surface 196

contaminants, e.g. C, O and S . 197


Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (12)



Fig. 3. Upper panels: Asymmetrical TOF-SIMS line shapes in the negative ion mode mass 201

spectra from particle Jessica on the gold black target 2CF, sum of 1001 spectra. Lower panels: 202

Corresponding lines when the primary ion beam hits an empty gold black target position, 203

located far from Jessica (about 4000 ), sum of 69 spectra. Linear vertical axis, arbitrary units. 204


2.3 Laboratory tests of charging with the COSIMA reference model 206

When the dust particle gets a positive bias with respect to the target due to charging, then 207

negative secondary ions do not experience the full extraction voltage #$%of the instrument (see 208

Appendix), but a value reduced by the bias. In order to quantify the response of COSIMA to 209

such a change, a series of mass spectra has been measured with the laboratory instrument of 210

COSIMA (“reference model RM”). A target (a carbon strip from a commercial resistor) was set to 211

various constant positive potentials. Fig. 4 shows the results for the example of the negative 212

oxygen line. Depending on the value of the positive target potential, the 16O- line shifts as a 213

whole towards earlier times (to lower mass). This shift means that negative ions desorbed from 214

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (13)

positively biased targets arrive earlier at the detector, despite being slower as a result of the 215

reduced extraction voltage. This „reverse“ behaviour is due to the special two-stage reflectron 216

used (Mamyrin 2001). Fig. A1 of the Appendix shows the corresponding setup. Ions with lower 217

kinetic energy dive less deeply into the space between grids 4 and 5 than their companions with 218

higher speed and they leave this space earlier. In their further travel the faster ones cannot 219

catch up and finally the slower ones arrive earlier at the detector. The Mamyrin version has the 220

advantage of being “energy-focussing” when operating at its optimum voltage configuration, i.e. 221

it efficiently corrects the spread in the initial energy of the secondary ions at emission (a few 222

&�), achieving spectral lines with high mass resolution. However, it reacts very sensitively and 223

loses this capability when the extraction voltage deviates from its optimum due to charging. As 224

consequence, the profiles in Fig. 4 feature a large tail to the right, which becomes broader with 225

increasing charging potential (the tails shown in Fig. 4 are consistent with a Maxwellian 226

distribution having a characteristic energy of # = 5 − 10&�). 227


The RM tests clarified COSIMA’s reaction to a uniform charging level imposed by a fixed bias at 229

a conductive target. However, in the case of COSIMA’s flight data, where the charging is 230

produced by the primary ion beam, there is a continuum of charging potentials from zero up to a 231

maximum value, caused by the spatial Gaussian profile of the primary ion beam. Therefore, one 232

does not observe a shift of the whole line, but a broad continuum to the left, which represents a 233

superposition of left-shifted profiles of the kind shown in Fig. 4. It is interesting to note that Fig. 4 234

already gives a first estimate of the maximum shift of about 20 time bins for a charging of 235

100�for the case of oxygen ions, in agreement with the extent of the „left shoulder“ one 236

observes in COSIMA‘s flight spectra. 237

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Fig. 4. Negative ion mode mass spectra obtained with the COSIMA-RM laboratory model 240

showing the left shift and the deformation of the 16O- line when the target is positively biased 241

(time channel bin size= 1.956��&�). 242


3. Modelling line shapes in the presence of charging 244

The empirical insights into the problem, as discussed up to now, allow us to establish a model to 245

calculate the line shape. It is built upon several open parameters, which are then fitted to the 246

COSIMA negative spectra. Within this model, the spectral amplitude +,-)follows from a 247

superposition of three major broadening contributions: 248


+,-) = ∫ /0- − -123,-, 5, 6)7 ∙ 83,-) ∙ 89,5) ∙ 8�,6):-:5:6. (1) 250


Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (15)

/ is the delta function and -:&-is the arrival time at the detector. The equation links the spectral 252

amplitude +,-),or in other words, the probability of a secondary ion to arrive at a time - at the 253

detector, to the following variables : 1. The moment of generation at the target - , its 254

abundance 83,-) being represented by a Gaussian, which describes the time dependence of 255

the primary ion pulse, 2. the initial emission velocity of the secondary ions (axial component), 5 256

, its abundance 89,5) being represented by a Maxwellian, 3. the radius 6 within the primary 257

beam relative to the beam center (in the plane normal to the beam axis) from which the primary 258

ion beam current density (ions per unit area and unit time), ;,6), depends via a Gaussian. The 259

probability for a certain radius is then 8�,6) = 2<6 ∙ ;,6) ∙ 83�,#=), where 83�,#=) accounts for the 260

transmission loss due to the charging potential #=,6) (see Appendix). #=,6)itself can be 261

expressed as a function of ;,6)as will be discussed below. All three variables, 262

,-, 5, 6)contribute to the broadening of the line and our finding is that they are sufficient to 263

represent the most important features of the measured line shapes. The detector arrival time 264

-123 is the sum of the generation time - and the passage time ->?@ of the secondary ions 265

through the time-of-flight section of the spectrometer: -123,-, 5, 6) = - + ->?@,5, 6) , and the 266

way ->?@ is calculated is explained in the Appendix. The numerical solution of Eq. (1) uses 267

discretized values of -, 5 and 6 .The integration is performed using the same binning technique 268

as the COSIMA electronics: a certain ion generated at time -, having an initial velocity of 5 269

and starting from a location which is charged by some amount #=,6) is sent through the 270

instrument and its arrival time -123is sorted into an array of equally spaced bins for the variable 271

-(bin size= 1 TOF unit). By sending a large number of ions (several 10B) through the 272

instrument, and adding up the counts that fall into each time bin, a discrete data set for the 273

spectral amplitude +,-)is generated. 274


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The dust charging potential depends on the primary ion beam current and the dust’s electrical 276

properties (Werner and Morgan 1976). Suppose that the primary beam (8�&�positive ions of 277

isotopically clean 115In) hits a dust layer of height ℎ of the agglomerate dust structure as shown 278

schematically in Fig. 5. A certain surface area receives a current �and develops a potential 279

difference #,-)between top and bottom depending on the resistance Dand capacity E of 280

individual elements of the agglomerate (D∗accounts for a possible contact resistance between 281

the bottom of the dust and the grounded target). The primary ion beam is pulsed with a 282

repetition rate of 1.5�GH , the pulse width ∆-Jbeing a few ns, yet it acts as a DC current 283

because the rise time K of charging has been found to be on the order of a second. After this 284

initial rise time the charging potential keeps a constant value #=, which leads to the conclusion 285

that a steady current must flow through the dust to the target during the spectra acquisition time 286

of a few minutes. Although extremely small (in the order of 1/10 of a L+), this current is essential 287

to maintain the charging of the dust. Thus the cometary dust particles are not insulators, but 288

poor conductors and the electrical behaviour cannot be described by electrostatics alone. The 289

initial rise time K has no influence on the interpretation of the spectral line shapes and the 290

measured values of the charging potential, #= ,always represent the asymptotic steady state 291

limits. However, the rise time becomes important when discussing the dust permittivity in 292

Section 5. 293


,#,-) = � ∙ D∗ + � ∙ D ∙ M1 − &N3 OP Q ; - ≫ K:#,-) → #= = � ∙ ,D + D∗); K = D ∙ E)

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (17)

Fig. 5. Equivalent scheme for the buildup of the charging potential #. 295


The dependence of the steady state limit of the charging potential on the current density, which 297

is caused by the primary ion beam, has to be determined from the shape of the spectral lines. At 298

this point it should be noted, that the line shape does not depend on the absolute value of ;,6), 299

but only on its radial distribution. However, the absolute value will come into play when 300

discussing electrical properties below. With the maximum charging #=,VWX and the maximum 301

current density ;VWXoccurring at the center of the primary beam‘s footprint, the potential-current 302

relationship can be formally written in a dimensionless form: 303



= ^,_); _ = ;,6)/;VWX . (2) 305


Several functions for the dependence of the reduced charging potential ^,_) on the reduced 307

current density _ have been tested resulting in the following empirical dependence with an open 308

shape parameter ` : 309


^a,_) =bcdebf,g aP )bcdebf, aP ) . (3) 311


The physical significance of ` becomes clear, when considering its limits as illustrated in Fig. 6. 313

For small values of `, already small currents cause a final saturation charging level #=,VWX . In 314

this case, the width of the distribution of #= values would be narrow. In the limit of ` → 0 there is 315

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (18)

only one value for #= (a spatially uniform charging caused by sideward charge transport) and 316

consequently the spectral line is shifted to the left as a whole. In the limit of large `, potential 317

and current are proportional (^,_) = _) , which means „ohmic“ behaviour is present. The ansatz 318

of Eq. (3) gives a possibility to formally include all possible situations between uniform charging 319

and „ohmic“ behaviour and then derive from the spectra which case prevails. 320

Fig. 6. Dependence of the reduced charging potential ^,_) on the reduced current density _. 321


The contribution to the line profile from the charged areas can be interpreted as a weighted 323

superposition of profiles shifted in time by an amount corresponding to the value of the charging 324

potential #=, where 8� is the weight function. Fig. 7 shows an example for 8� in the case of 325

„Ohm’s limit“: ^,_) = _ . The sharp decrease close to ^ = 1 is responsible for a characteristic 326

cutoff of the line profile at its left end, as observed in the COSIMA flight spectra. COSIMA data 327

analysis showed that there are cases when the primary ion beam does not only hit the dust 328

particle, but partly also the target where no charging appears. Therefore an additional 329

parameter is introduced, h,describing the area fraction of uncharged material (the area fraction 330

of charged material is then: h� = 1 −h). In addition, along with the negative ions, there is a 331

small contribution to the spectral line coming from secondary electrons generated by ion impact 332

onto a grid, located immediately before the detector (see Appendix, Fig. A.1, grid No. 8). These 333

electrons produce a lower mass spectral feature, left from the ion contribution. Their fraction h2i 334

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (19)

is a few percent of the total line integral as suggested by spectra on no-dust (target) positions 335

(e.g. the lower panels, “on target” of Fig.3). The final line profile is obtained by adding up the 336

contributions from uncharged and charged areas as well as secondary electrons, each 337

calculated separately with the above described binning technique, and weighting them with 338

h, h�and h2i respectively. Both, the amplitudes of the model profile and the COSIMA spectral 339

data, are then normalized to 1. This ensures that the line integrals of model and data are 340

identical, giving freedom only for the shape of the profile. The model time - is finally converted 341

into a mass value via: = ,- jP )� , where j is a parameter (sometimes called the „stretch 342

parameter“), which depends on the instrument’s electrical potential settings. It is adjusted using 343

the measured spectra. It turned out that all calculated times fall into a time-interval from about 344

13 ∙ √l time bins left from the line center to about 5 ∙ √l time bins right, which defines the time 345

window for the fit, the time bin unit being 1.956��&� and l being the nominal mass number of 346

the spectral line under consideration, for example l = 15.9955 for the oxygen isotope 16O-. 347

Fig. 7. Probabilities for individual charging potential values for the case of ^,_) = _. The 348

example uses 25 values for the discretization and the transmission loss is for the example of 349

#= = 100�. 350

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (20)


The spectral data are used in a rebinned version and the comparison between calculated and 352

measured line profiles is done on the mass scale. The rebinning process accounts for small 353

variations in the instrument status over time (e.g. potential values) which lead to small variations 354

in the position in time of the main known mass lines. The first step of the rebinning process is a 355

dead time correction of the spectra, followed by calibration and a final interpolation of the data 356

into a fixed time/mass scale. Only after such a procedure can many spectra be properly added 357

to improve statistics without introducing artificial broadening. However, by this procedure the 358

connection to the original time base of the instrument is lost, which means that now the 359

experimental input is always amplitude versus mass. The adjustable parameter j then makes 360

the connection between mass and the model time. 361


The evaluation of the 8 parameters (summarized in Table 1) is facilitated by the fact that each of 363

them has its largest influence only in certain parts of the profile. For example, the time width of 364

the primary beam pulse, ∆-J, is important close to the line maximum, but does not influence the 365

shoulder close to its left boundary whereas the maximum charging #=,VWX is important at the left 366

boundary, but not close to the line maximum. Our observation is that the parameters generally 367

do not show big variations, such that a good initial guess can be defined and the number of 368

iterations is small (typically 3 to 5). Some of the parameters can be easily estimated. For 369

instance, ∆-J can be inferred from ions originating from the target (typically 5 − 10��&�). The 370

secondary electron fraction, h2i, cannot exceed a few percent, since the grids of the instrument 371

have a transparency of higher than 90 %. Initial energies of secondary ions are known to be on 372

the order of several &�, extending up to 5 − 25&�. In the end, only three parameters with a 373

large influence remain: The shape parameter `, the maximum charging potential #=,VWXand the 374

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (21)

fraction of ions from uncharged areas, h(charged: h� = 1 − h). Therefore optimization begins 375

with these and then a fine-tuning of the others leads to a rapid convergence. 376


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Table 1: Summary of parameters. 379

` shape parameter of the charge function Eq. (3).

#=,VWX maximum charging at the footprint of the primary ion beam center (�mn-).

# Maxwell energy parameter uncharged areas (&�).

#� Maxwell energy parameter charged areas (&�).

∆-J pulse width (full width at half maximum) of the primary ion beam (��&�).

h2i fraction of secondary electrons from grid 8 (see Appendix).

h fraction of ions from uncharged areas (charged areas: h� = 1 − h).

j stretch parameter (in units of 1.956��/√l).



4. COSIMA negative mode spectra 382

The first example contains a very long measurement (≈ 48h) on the dust particle Jessica on 383

target 2CF. A sum spectrum is used, consisting of a total of 1001 negative spectra acquired at 4 384

positions which are 30 apart from each other (marked as the corners of a white square in Fig. 385

2). Jessica data show the most pronounced left shoulder of all measured particles. Fig. 8 shows 386

the individual data points ,+)of the sum spectrum together with the model values (solid line) for 387

the oxygen line. To be correct, both curves of Fig. 8 are histograms, but plotted as points and 388

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (23)

line for the sake of a clearer perception of the very small differences between data and model. 389

The fit result shows that the shape parameter` is equal to 1, which is close to Ohm’s limit. Fig. 390

9 shows an example of a very wide left shoulder from particle Jakub corresponding to high 391

charging potential. Since in this case the data are averaged over only a few individual spectra, 392

fluctuations are present originating most likely from spatial variations in the dust coverage within 393

the primary ion beam’s footprint. Most of the ions originate from the charged dust particle in this 394

example, i.e. a low value of h. Fig. 10, particle Juliette, shows an example of an exceptionally 395

narrow left shoulder corresponding to a maximum charging potential #=,VWXof only 67� and it 396

has a low charged fraction (high value of h). 397



Fig. 8. Oxygen line profile: Normalized spectral amplitude (counts / total counts contributing to 400

the oxygen mass line) versus m/z. Particle 2CF Jessica: +=spectral data, sum of 1001 spectra. 401

Solid line: present model, Eq. (1). Parameters: ` = 1, #=,VWX = 98�, # = 10&�, #� =402

4&�, ∆-J = 9��&�, h2i = 0.02, h = 0.23, l = 15.9955, j = 1601.3. 403




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Fig. 9. Oxygen line profile, example: high charging potential: Particle 2D1 Jakub: +=spectral 408

data, sum of 10 spectra. Parameters: ` = 5, #=,VWX = 129�, # = 10&�, #� = 10&�, ∆-J =409

6��&�, h2i = 0.04, h = 0.03, l = 15.9955, j = 1601.0. 410






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Fig. 10. Oxygen line profile, example: low charging potential and low charged fraction: Particle 414

1D2 Juliette: +=spectral data, sum of 12 spectra. Parameters: ` = 2, #=,VWX = 67�, # =415

10&�, #� = 5&�, ∆-J = 7.5��&�, h2i = 0.02, h = 0.70, l = 15.9955, j = 1601.7. 416


To demonstrate how sensitive the results are to changes in the individual parameters, Fig. 11 418

contains parameter variations for the example of Fig. 8. It shows that the maximum charging 419

potential #=.VWXdetermines the left cutoff of the shoulder and the dependence is very sensitive, 420

i.e. a few Volts difference yields in a significant difference. Large variations in the shape 421

parameter ` would deform the profile in a way which is not observed in the data. Variations of a 422

few &�� in the emission energy #� of the charged areas causes a characteristic change in the 423

line shape. Variations in the uncharged fraction parameter h do not influence the shape of the 424

left shoulder, but its vertical level. Although the contribution to the spectral signal resulting from 425

the secondary electrons is only a few percent, it is in some cases significant to recognize the left 426

end of the shoulder. Fig. 12 shows variations of h2i for the example of 1D2 Juliette in 427

logarithmic scale to better recognize details of the left end of the profile. The main cutoff is 428

connected to the maximum charging and the electron signal occurs before it, since the electrons 429

(in Fig. 12 denoted by „&Nprecursor“) arrive earlier at the detector plate than the ions which 430

caused them. The figure also shows that the model of Eq. (1) represents the data over 3 orders 431

of magnitude down to the noise level. 432

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (26)


Fig. 11. Parameter variations around the profile of 2CF Jessica (dotted line: fit of Fig. 8). 434



Fig. 12. Variation of the electron contribution h2i for the example of 1D2 Juliette (+ = 437

spectral data, dotted line: best fit; h2i = 0.02. 438



Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (27)

More example particles have been investigated with the present procedure. Table 2 contains 440

their reference data and the results of the corresponding fits are summarized in Table 3. In all 441

cases high values for the shape parameter were found: 1 ≤ ` ≤ 5. This means that the charge 442

transport is close to the case of an Ohmic resistor. The initial kinetic energy of the ions # 443

originating from non-charged areas has little influence on the left shoulder structure, whereas 444

the initial kinetic energy of the ions from the charged areas, #�, enters significantly. Here, one 445

has to recall that the model introduced Maxwellian distributions of the axial component of the 446

emission velocity because the exact angular emission characteristics of the secondary ions is 447

hard to define for a surface of high and unknown roughness. Low values (particles Jessica and 448

Juliette) may correspond to more diffuse emission leading to small contributions in axial 449

direction. The division into charged and uncharged fractions, characterized by h, shows large 450

variation, between 0 and 70%. This is especially an issue when using the present scheme for 451

later interpretations of negative spectra. The fit parameters of Table 3 are for the 16O peak. For 452

the particles Juliette, Gunter and Jakub, the corresponding parameters for 32S are added to give 453

an idea about mass number dependences. In the case of Juliette, sulfur seems to originate in 454

less proportion from target areas compared to oxygen as can be seen from the lower value of 455

the uncharged fraction h. Emission energies #� from charged dust areas might be dependent 456

on the ion species (e.g. Juliette and Gunter). The table contains, in addition to the fit 457

parameters, the values for the mean height ℎ of the particle layer at measurement position as 458

estimated from the cast shadow at images taken after the SIMS analysis. They show an 459

increase of the charging potential with height. 460





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Table 2: Reference data for the spectra used (sum of N individual spectra, each with an 466

acquisition time of 2.5 minutes; for naming conventions see Langevin et al. 2016). 467

Particle name Collection start date N SIMS analysis date

2CF Jessica Lummene.2 2015/01/26 1001 2016/04/01- 2016/04/04

1CD Barmal Orivesi.4 2015/07/31 8 2015/08/13

1D2 Juliette Hankavesi.1 2015/10/23 12 2015/11/18

1D2 Gunter Jerisjarvi.1 2016/02/29 96 2016/04/14

2D1 Jakub Toivesi.2 2015/05/11 10 2015/06/12

2D1 David Toivesi.2 2015/05/11 6 2015/06/12

2D1 Sora Ukonvesi.4 2015/05/22 12 2015/06/17



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Table 3: Summary of fit results for 7 particles for the 16O- profile (upper line) and for 3 examples 470

of the 32S- profile (lower line). h is the fraction of ions from uncharged areas. ℎ: dust layer 471

height at SIMS position. The unit of the stretch factor jis 1.956��/√l, where l is the mass 472

number of the line profile under consideration. 473

Target- and



` #=,VWX








h2i h j

[ ]

2CF Jessica 1 98 10 4 9.0 0.02 0.23 1601.3 35

1CD Barmal 5 95 10 20 7.0 0.01 0.65 1601.6 35

1D2 Juliette 2

















1D2 Gunter 5

















2D1 Jakub 5

















2D1 David 1 80 10 10 7.0 0.02 0.75 1601.6 20

2D1 Sora 2 100 10 10 6.0 0.02 0.50 1601.6 34


The present model considers a hom*ogeneous target for which the probabilities of individual 475

potentials #=,6)only depend on the spatially varying current density ;,6) of the primary beam. 476

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (30)

This is the reason why averaged spectra are used since spatial variations in the dust properties 477

and morphology are damped when the primary beam slightly shifts during the SIMS scan of the 478

dust particle. As mentioned above, particle Jakub (Fig. 9) is an example for such variations 479

when only few spectra have been added. This structural effect becomes even more apparent for 480

single spectra. We expect information on the morphological structure hidden in these spectra. 481



5. Information on electrical properties of the collected cometary dust 484

We have found that the cometary dust material when subject to a current, caused by the 485

primary ion beam, acts like an ohmic resistor since the potential #= is approximately 486

proportional to the local current density ; . The very close agreement between the line shape 487

fits and COSIMA’s flight spectra assures the reliability of the method and that it represents a 488

direct way to measure this potential. The maximum charging potential #=,VWXvaries with the 489

height ℎ of the dust layer, an information that can be used to derive the specific resistivity. 490

Figure 13 shows that the values of Table 3 follow a linear dependence with an offset #tuuof 491

about 45�, likely being due to an interface contact resistance between dust material and metal 492

black. Then the specific resistivity �� can be expressed as: 493


�� =YZ,[\]NYvww

x ∙ ywz{v{= | ∙ M yw

z{v{Q, (4) 495


where +uis the footprint area of the primary ion beam and�3t3 is the total current, induced by the 497

primary ion beam. The specific resistivity �� can be derived either from the slope |of the fit in 498

Fig. 13 or from individual pairs #=,VWX, ℎ . For the COSIMA flight model, �3t3 has been estimated 499

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (31)

to be �3t3 < 1.2 ∙ 10N}+ (Hilchenbach et al., 2017). Additional tests with the COSIMA reference 500

model („RM“) have been carried out in order to validate this value. The setup consisted of an 501

electrically insulated Au metal target and an oscilloscope (capacity target-ground 300L~ and 502

50l�ℎ oscilloscope probe resistance). After an exposure to the primary ion beam of 2 ;�, 503

the target was discharged via the oscilloscope probe and the total collected charge was derived 504

from the initial discharging voltage. The measured total current, as sum of the primary ion beam 505

and the induced secondary electrons, was in line with the current value referred above. It thus 506

provides an upper limit, since on the Au target the secondary electron yield is higher than on the 507

cometary dust material. The footprint area +u has been determined experimentally to about 508

1750 �. From the slope |of the fit line and the above values, a numerical value for the 509

resistivity of �� ≈ 2.2 ∙ 10Ω results, which would characterize the cometary material as a 510

bad conductor, but not the best insulator. It is close to that of glass (≈ 10-10�Ω ), but less 511

than that of e.g. Polyethylene (≈ 10}Ω ), Teflon (≈ 10�Ω ) or Polystyrene and Sulfur 512

(≈ 10BΩ ), (Chanda 2018). The asymptotic standard error of the fit line for each of the 513

parameters, #tuuand slope |, is ≈ 10% and there is a systematic uncertainty of up to ±10� in 514

the #=,VWXvalues and about ±5 in the ℎ values (in Fig. 13, the corresponding error bars are 515

shown only for one example to simplify the figure). Together with a 10% uncertainty in the beam 516

footprint area +u, the combined maximum error is estimated to be ±1.0 ∙ 10Ω . Taking into 517

account that the value for �3t3 forms an upper limit, the conclusion for the specific resistivity as 518

derived from the present data analysis is a lower limit: �� > 1.2 ∙ 10Ω . 519


Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (32)


Fig. 13. Maximum charging potential vs. dust layer height. 522


Further information on dust charging comes from the build-up time K = D ∙ E of the charge at the 524

agglomerate’s elements. Experimental information on K has been obtained from in situ 525

experiments at particle Lou on target 1C3. Spectra have been taken with sampling times of 526

0.2, 0.75, 2.5, 9.5, 38 and 150�&� respectively with about one hour breaks in between to ensure 527

decharging (Hilchenbach et al. 2017). The finding is that the 2.5�&� spectrum already shows a 528

left shoulder with the asymptotic #=,VWXvalue at longer sampling times. From this one concludes 529

that the D ∙ E rise time K has to be less than 1�&� (see Fig. 14). 530

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (33)

Fig. 14. Dependence of charging potential on spectra sampling time for particle 1C3 Lou. 531


This information, together with the specific resistivity �� , now allows us to derive the real part of 533

relative permittivity �� for the elements of the dust agglomerate. For an estimate, assume them 534

to be spherical (with radius 6̅), having a capacitance E ≈ 4 ∙ < ∙ �� ∙ � ∙ 6̅ and a resistance 535

D ≈ �� ∙ 2 ∙ 6̅/,< ∙ 6̅�) where �is the vacuum permittivity. Then the charge-up time becomes 536

size-independent: K ≈ 8 ∙ �� ∙ � ∙ �� and �� ≈ K/,8 ∙ � ∙ ��). When considering other shapes 537

than spheres the result does not change much. For instance in the case of a cube (Wintle 2004) 538

one obtains �� ≈ K/,8.3 ∙ � ∙ ��). From the measured upper limit of K and the lower limit of �� an 539

upper limit for the relative permittivity follows: �� < 1.2. 540


A value of ��so close to1 is typical for high porosity materials and one can use this result to 542

estimate the porosity. This estimate uses data on composition and typical permittivities of the 543

main dust constituents, making use of the effective medium approach for mixtures. Rust et al. 544

(1999) have measured a series of dry volcanic rocks and found the data fitting into an empirical 545

law: √�� = � + ,1 − �) ∙ ���,=, where ��,= is the value of the corresponding compact material and 546

�is the porosity. This power-law with exponent 1/2is known as the Birchak equation (Birchak 547

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (34)

et al.1974) and has been widely used in optics and refractive index models. In practice, there 548

are several mixing rules based on empirical data and physical principles, such as the well-549

known Maxwell-Garnett (1904) and Bruggeman (1935) formulae, along with power-law fits with 550

typical exponents 1/2 and 1/3 (Maron and Maron 2008). Yet, all these models predict similar 551

results for high porosity (Sihvola 2000). For the application of those mixing concepts one needs 552

an estimate of the corresponding compact values. The composition data of the dust collected by 553

COSIMA show that it has a mineral-to-organic ratio of ≈ 0.55/0.45by weight (Bardyn et al. 554

2017). For the electrical properties one needs this ratio by volume, which is ≈ 0.3/0.7when 555

assuming a density ratio mineral/organic of ≈ 3 ( Greenberg and Li 1999). The organic part of 556

the investigated particles is found to have high molecular weight (Fray et al. 2016) and typical 557

permittivities for such materials are ��,= ≈ 2 (Chanda 2018). Mineral values show a greater 558

variety ranging from ≈ 4(Silica) up to ≈ 8(Olivine) and ≈ 8.5 (Pyroxene), (e.g. Zheng et al. 559

2005). 560


Fig. 15. Real part ��of the relative electrical permittivity in dependence on the porosity �.(a): 562

Rust’s law, (b) details for high porosity and comparison with other mixing models (Bruggeman 563

and Maxwell-Garnett multiphase). 564


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Using the above mineral/organic by-volume ratio, a range of 2.5 < ��,= < 3.5 is estimated for the 566

compact dust mixture following Rust’s mixing concept and Fig. 15a shows the corresponding 567

dependence on porosity. One can see that an upper limit of the permittivity �� = 1.2 implies a 568

lower limit for the porosity: � = 0.84. Allowing for uncertainty in Rust’s law, which seems to give 569

a slight overestimate compared to other models, Fig.15b, we finally estimate for the lower limit 570

of the porosity of the agglomerate’s elements a value of 0.8. 571


6. Discussion and summary 573

During mass spectrometric analysis we observed dust particle positive charging, reaching 574

maximum values at the center of the primary ion beam’s footprint and decreasing radially due to 575

the Gaussian beam profile. In negative ion mode it leads to a characteristic line shape with 576

extended left-shifted contributions („left shoulder“) while in positive ion mode it leads to a very 577

small shift of the line peak of typically few ��&� and a substantial decrease in transmission since 578

those parts of the exposed area exceeding a charging limit of about 90� cannot pass the 579

reflectron of the spectrometer. Within the present contribution we focussed on the negative 580

spectra. For a quantitative evaluation of the line asymmetry it is essential to recognize that the 581

left shoulder extensions fully contribute to the total line integral of the spectral mass line under 582

consideration and are not caused by neighbouring mass lines. The fact was already considered 583

in recent COSIMA papers (Fray et al. 2017, Bardyn et al. 2017, Paquette et al. 2017). We could 584

show that, after some initial build-up time, the potential at the dust is determined by a steady 585

DC-like current, approximately following Ohm’s law and explicit values for the charging potential 586

could be extracted from the spectra (up to about 130� for the examples discussed). These 587

charging potentials opened the possibility to derive information on the dust’s electrical 588

properties. A lower limit for the electrical resistivity of 67P dust particles could be derived 589

(�� > 1.2 ∙ 10Ω ). When combining with a measurement of the charge build-up time (K < 1�), 590

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (36)

an upper bound for real part of the relative permittivity �� could be deduced which turned out to 591

be close to 1 (�� < 1.2)and therefore indicating a high porosity of the dust particles (� > 0.8). 592

These values refer to dust’s subunits (denoted by „elements“) with sizes approximately between 593

15 and 40 since the footprint of the primary ion beam is limited to an area of about 50 594

diameter such that it contains only few elements. The CONSERT instrument on Rosetta 595

reported as well the observation of low values for the permittivity ,�� = 1.27 ± 0.05) and high 596

porosity ,� = 0.75 − 0.85)of the cometary interior tracked in the radio frequency region 597

(Kofmann et al. 2015, Herique et al. 2016). The SESAME instrument measurements on the 598

landing near-surface retrieved a maximum permittivity of 3 and a maximum conductivity of 599

4 ∙ 10N�,Ω )N and explained that with a weathered and sintered surface layer as well as ice 600

content (Lethuillier et al. 2016). For the material collected by COSIMA in the comet’s coma, a 601

low permittivity value supports the assumption that the dust particles contained only minimal 602

water or ice after collection and storage within COSIMA for a few days to more than one year as 603

the DC relative permittivity of water or ice is much higher than that of minerals or organics (up to 604

values around 100, e.g. Aragones et al., 2010, Pettinelli et al. 2015) and even tiny amounts of 605

them would increase the relative permittivity considerably (Strangway et al.1972, Anderson 606

2008). A high porosity of the collected cometary dust particles is also in line with our findings on 607

the strength, derived from the evaluation of the fragmentation dynamics upon collection 608

(Hornung et al. 2016) as well as on the optical properties, which include high transparency 609

values with a mean free path of the photons of about 20 − 25 within the dust particle 610

(Langevin et al. 2017). 611





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Acknowledgments: 616

COSIMA was built by a consortium led by the Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, 617

Garching, Germany in collaboration with Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement 618

et de l'Espace, Orléans, France, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS/Université Paris Sud, 619

Orsay, France, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, Universität Wuppertal, 620

Wuppertal, Germany, von ho*rner und Sulger GmbH, Schwetzingen, Germany, Universität der 621

Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany, Institut für Physik, Forschungszentrum 622

Seibersdorf, Seibersdorf, Austria, Institut für Weltraumforschung, Österreichische Akademie der 623

Wissenschaften, Graz, Austria and is lead by the Max-Planck-Institut für 624

Sonnensystemforschung, Göttingen, Germany. The support of the national funding agencies of 625

Germany (DLR, grant 50 QP 1801), France (CNES), Austria (FWF, grant P26871-N20), Finland 626

and the ESA Technical Directorate is gratefully acknowledged. We thank the Rosetta Science 627

Ground Segment at ESAC, the Rosetta Mission Operations Centre at ESOC and the Rosetta 628

Project at ESTEC for their outstanding work enabling the science return of the Rosetta Mission. 629


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Appendix: Flight times from spectrometer characteristics 756

The numerical scheme to model the line shapes uses a simple approach to calculate the flight 757

times. It assumes constant field gradients between the individual grids as well as a flight path 758

along the centerline of the spectrometer (in the following denoted as 1-D approach) and the 759

method is calibrated with fully 3-D SIMION simulations and data from COSIMA’s laboratory 760

reference model (RM). 761



Fig. A.1 Schematic view of the Time-of-Flight section of COSIMA (not to scale). 764


Fig. A.1 shows a schematic overview of the Time-of-Flight setup (Kissel et al. 2007). For better 766

perception it is not to scale, its dimensions are given in Table A.1. First is the extraction lens EL 767

at 3 distance in front of the target, having an opening of diameter 1 . At the opening’s 768

periphery there is a small conical rim, which juts out 1 from the extraction lens plane. It 769

contributes to collimate the secondary ion beam. Next is a focussing lens F1 at 11 distance 770

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (44)

from the target with a 2 aperture, followed by a concentric cylindrical focussing lens F2 that 771

guides the ions to the first long drift tube section (2 → 3) with the two extremes at equal voltage 772

#�> , setting a constant velocity and defining the nominal flight kinetic energy of about 1�&�. The 773

secondary ion beam can be adjusted by means of 2 pairs of deflection plates (in y- and z- 774

direction). The x-axis is normal to the grids 3 to 6, and z and y define the plane normal to it. The 775

reflectron is of Mamyrin-type (Mamyrin 2001). In its first segment (3 → 4), ions are strongly 776

decelerated losing about 80% of their kinetic energy. In its longer second section, the ion’s flight 777

direction is reversed between two grids (4,5). After another long drift section at constant velocity 778

(3 → 7) they pass two entrance grids (7,8) in front of the microsphere plate detector. The target 779

is at ground level (plus charging if there is any). There are 5 potential settings relevant for the 780

flight-time: #$% for the extraction lens, #�> for the drift tube sections (positions 2, 3 and 7), #>?@ 781

for the entrance grid of the reflectron (position 4), #>?@� at the end of the reflectron (position 5), 782

#�y for the „post acceleration“ (position 8). Example values for these 5 potentials are given in 783

Table A.2. The potential difference: position 8 minus position 7 is always biased such that 784

secondary electrons released at grid 7 cannot reach the detector. Between grid 8 and the 785

detector inlet (position 9) the potential always increases by 100� (starting from the value of 786

#�yat position 8, see Table A.2) such that secondary electrons released at grid 8 makes a small 787

spectral contribution, left-shifted with respect to the ion contribution. The potential difference 788

across the detector microsphere plate (9 → 10) is always 3000� and the anode is 200� higher 789

than the detector outlet (10 → 11). However the detector potentials 10 and 11 are only 790

communicated for completeness, they do not enter into the present method for spectra fitting. 791

The detailed electrical field in the lens section (1 → 2) is determined by the geometrical 792

representation in SIMION (see below) with potential settings of #@ = #�>/2 and #@� = #�>. 793



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Table A.1: Dimensions of COSIMA’s time-of-flight section in . 797

� � � �� �} �� � ��

18.26 536.0 20.0‐0.3 40.0+0.3 10.00 509.7 6.94 2.85



Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (46)

Table A.2: Example values for the 5 potential settings (in �mn-�) for the flight model („XM“) and 800

the laboratory reference model („RM“) of COSIMA, each for negative and positive ion modes 801

(corresponding to the examples of Figures 8 and 4 respectively). 802

XM neg. XM pos. RM neg. RM pos. Positions (Fig. A.1)

��� +2997 ‐2998 +2991 ‐3000 „EL“

��� +1000 ‐1000 +997 ‐1000 2,3,7

���� +200.6 ‐200.1 +205.7 ‐205.1 4

����� ‐90.9 +98.3 ‐87.8 +88.1 5

��� +859 ‐2998 +908 ‐3066 8


Calibration of the simple quasi 1-D approach uses fully 3-dimensional numerical simulations 804

with the SIMION® software (Dahl 1997) together with COSIMA‘s geometry data (Kissel et al. 805

2007). The simulations showed that the potential gradients between the grids are not exactly 806

linear and also they do not change abruptly at the grid locations but in a smooth way. On the 807

other hand, the line shifts depend in an extremely sensitive way on the electrical fields in the 808

reflectron. It turned out that a correction for these effects is possible by a very minor tuning of 809

two lengths by 0.3 (see Table A.1) leading to a precise agreement between 1-D and 810

SIMION. Fig. A.2 shows the resulting time shifts. They depend on the initial kinetic energy &�of 811

the ions at emission from the target (see Zubarev 1996). Experimental shifts of the line 812

maximum obtained with the COSIMA laboratory reference model RM (see Fig. 4) are well 813

reproduced. The present paper focusses on negative spectra, but the above 1-D approach 814

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (47)

applies similarly to the case of positive ions. The lower part of Fig. A2 (negative#= values) is 815

identical to the case of positive charging in positive mode, since negative charging in negative 816

ion mode is equivalent to a positive charging in positive ion mode. As can be seen in the figure, 817

the corresponding time shifts are very small (a few TOF units, depending on the ion mass 818

number, for the highest possible charge values of ≈ 90� limited by the transmission in positive 819

mode, see below). 820


Fig. A.2 Time shift ∆-due to charging for the COSIMA laboratory model RM, negative ion case, 822

for various values of the particle surface potential #=. Dotted line: initial kinetic energy &� = 0&�, 823

dashed line: &� = 10&� , together with SIMION values (crosses) and RM oxygen data 824

(squares). 1 TOF time bin unit is 1.956��&�. l is the ion mass number. 825


The SIMION simulations revealed that charging not only leads to a time-shift but also to a 827

reduction of transmission, roughly a factor of 2 at #= = 100� for negative spectra, that results in 828

a small, but significant modulation of the line shape. In the simulations, we considered 829

Maxwellian distribution for the emission velocities with # varying between 5 and 30 &� and with 830

Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (48)

�m��� and cos� angular distributions, where � = 0 denotes the target normal. It turned out that 831

the transmission reduction is practically independent of # in this range and almost identical for 832

both angular distributions, following the reduction factor function 83� = 1 − 0.0053 ∙ #= + 8.5 ∙833

10NB ∙ #=�, that has been used in the model of Sec. 3. It holds up to #= ≈ 175� which includes 834

the range of charging potentials found in the examples of the present report. For positive ions, 835

the transmission dependence on #= reaches a cutoff at much lower charging potentials at 836

#= ≈ #>?@� (≈ 90�) when the ions hit the backplate of the reflectron (position 6). Theoretically, 837

transmission does not depend on the ion mass. The effect of charging, in the case of negative 838

ions, is thus a marked line shift and a continuous decrease in transmission for charging 839

potentials up to about 200� and for positive ions a very small line shift and a sharp cutoff of 840

transmission at about 90�. 841





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Highlights 847


- Dust particles from the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko are of low 849

electrical conductivity. 850


- Their electrical permittivity is close to 1 (< 1.2) and their porosity is high (> 80%). 852


- During TOF-SIMS analysis they charge up to about 130 V within a second. 854


- Asymmetrical shapes of negative ion mass lines can be a valuable source of information 856

in TOF-SIMS. 857




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Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived - [PDF Document] (2024)
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