The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


E. FOR RENT CITY (43) APARTMENTS FOR RENT (45) fOondiiued from Preceding Column.) from Hrtctiina Column. (Continued from Preceding Column.) fOonMtiiKKl rum Preceding Column.) (Continued tram Pernedlna Page.) Continued from Preceding Column.) TEN HILLS TO INSPECT IS TO BUY An investigation of these, lurmra will convince you that nowhere ele In Baltimore, can aucli outstanding value realized, 3 BAL'i'O. ll'JO W. 8 looini, kitchen, lialh, lint-water neat; porch adults; garage, uu.

uiui. BELA lit 4040 Cor. 3 rooma, and paih; everyllilng new; no children. IHIIDLE ST. 421 Third floor, a laii ui 11 jirhale 1 with, ki re 1 1, com cr house.

BOLTON kim or uuliiriiitlitd' gits, Heat, llglit llicllliled. IIOLION 211117-llimil lutdwisa huldwisal tiiaira, neat; nnsiini. Mad. 43110. Apt.

Hi-AA 111(11, HTiiN 3H30, Walhrook 3 loouis and heat ami flight reasonable. ifllOADW.U', 4u 2nirilnor, 4 touuil anf Isilh, hut and cold water: reasonable. BIIOaTiWay. 4h N. 'Jiiil fiiinr, 4 rooms.

hath with heat: mo, Laf, 0421), CALHOUN 21 Two Rooma fur llstfSI hoiisrkee, lug, private luth, rcaaonabte; all 2Tl4IICiVru7rrii'rriiir, entMiici', 3 large lulglit roniin, kilclieiietle, hath and hack porri. 3'TilO ard3rarklllia7, Isilh. arnviisawiiiuga. Owner, llwd, 4IIH2, CAL' f'lisr71VmipTc4; rooms, newly paiieml: reasntiahle; adults. CA LVERT 2233 Cor, Riuiialeh-d, rii'ira; em uionlli.

'Itueilu ihihi, CAREY S'lT, 238 N. I rotma, iirlvale bath" elcc, hut-water lieiit; good condition. I ill. 1)2711. CATHEDRAL 7H4 -Bachelor suiie.

3 liiige front rooms, high reiliugi, tlreplace, bath.kltch' janitor and maid service. Vcr. 0132. 2700 iTrouina, fl'sws: rent tight. IIOMR-WOOD IIEAL'I'Y CORP, III E.

Lexington st. OlIAllITis llff Vii Attractive a nsinia, kitchenette and bath, Apply 12Q4 N. Charles at. Vernon 31)77. CH.illLES 1823 frrait and back hath, light and heat: $24.

llErHECK, 20111 St. Puul. Univ. 1210. CIIAKLjlS 17H1 N.

--Apartment for mil from t'jn up. rniui CHARLES litll rooms and private laith. l8l 7703, I ViiAHi.KS rent; 2nd stoiy, 2 rcxiiiiM, kilrien. hiilli; modern central. 231SN.

I room's, hall), Iyiajiitr anil ai tieiwli CHARLES ifoSfTT-iioms, imth. iWch! newly painted; hol-water heat. 2(132 NT-JImierit, 3 or 4 rnmiis: kitchen, balh, IncineTiiliir. llwd. CM ARLES 21411 N.

2 roonia, kitchen and" L' iu laoi JihjcIii. Lir apt.Caliert4(IS7. CHARLES ST. litTIl BneiietoT rooms. haMi; low rental.

I'lna 23711. CLIFTON 1013-2 nanus, bath, 2nd Ihsir. light and beat; f.i wk. CHASE E. Two rooms, kitchen, pri' into hath, hack porch: 10 minutes' walk to City Hull; AHIil.TSjjiftcr I I'.

M. DUMBARTON Viiins, klicheri and hath, lint witcr, pundi: $3.1. i-31 i ONI ISO E. 21110 2iui floor, all conveniences; Anril ti. 11.

L. CHYMES, 1001 Coiot Suuare Rldg. EDMONDSON AVE, loos'-lfcaiiliful seconrl HiKirJarKiiioiiisi-lvaUlMith. shaniheat. EI)MONT)SON 1821s-2nd it roouis, kitchen, bath, porch.

Gllmor 2400..1. EIE1IMAN 41.10, Bihilr Rd. 3 rooma. bath; niiHlern; reasonable. ELGIN batlG MR.

DRUKF, 11380 KLLAMONT "Hf.7'isi.f--Sip':ill all eon- 2310. "Cir. roonis. kiicn eai, halll, janitor servh-e. kwii porch.

KUTAW IU also" hachcliif prhnlc baths; chuip. Hiltnor (iSIil-W. EUTAW PLACE, 1127-2 front romuii. kltch- ejiclinate hath. FRANKLIN 2IIO 3 mollis, kitchen.

hath, heal furnished: rla.s eiiiiilitioli. FULTON 38 4 tuiims! 'halh second Ihsir; hot-water Jirat, l'T LTiTn 1 nrivale 'UlDli'mj Mad. 73111. 717 iV 3 bath; newly renoviilcih (IARRISON roonis. Iiilclienciic.

vent $30. LUicrtv2 GAItlllSIlN load) -Modern 3 81123-DavlluliL corner. SI uai of lintli and cellar', (mar roouis und kitchencite; GARRISON 2nd-thnir sublease; 4 moms, klt'-hen and hath: all outride: heal: modern: Gcnlilea. Liberty GREENAIOIINT IlilllT" I'TiValn, 2 Imth, uns ihiiI electric Jn c. $3.

Lif. (1202. ili'll I mill'. A. --5 kiti'luMi und Imlli, porch, iiniili-rii.

IIAMILTONM 801, Cenlral: 2 rnoms. kltchenelle. lialh, $15, REALTY, 2 st. UAIIKiTiiD 234.1. li 2ml 3 roinns.

halh hiil waler, Jietlt. elw.1$28 HOMESTEAD 2 nHiiMi of henl. eltc. $20.

Iloinewmsl 38r.2. Oil No. 10 21 car line; 3 iiinnv and kllehciiietle. $28 nionjhly. KENVOi)D 826 3 iiiTght roo'ina, hath, plenty hot waterieatjMht; tKNNIIX OOir-Ono Mpfate no.

Irom North west Mt, Royal Terrace. 2nd and 3rd fliHirs, 11 looms, hath, large sleeping porch, hardwood floors, hot-water low rental. A inily premises ReaUy Corp. PI.4228. LKXlSTiTON 3 rnoim.

lialh, privnlc, hot-water heat. (III. LIGHT 1037 4 laigv kllclieneltc! hlllll. Bill finer. 8.1 week.

Apply 1II3S Light SI, LINDEN A flour, 4 ro-mi-! kilchcuJwl h. back j.orclw $30 mo, Laf. 34311 LIND'eN" 1213-5 rivims! kiti'in lictle'. hat lilsl -class ciiiullllon heat furuisheil. LlivoLA HiailHili AVE, 2.128- and hath: all nmvciilpiices.

Liherly 1717. MADISON ST. 210 Nr. Howard-3 rooms, liilcheiiette and hath. 1st Hour.

MARYLAND 2032--3 roiraia, lilclien, bath, rear tairch. steein, elts'tnc, diirnts. wiiter; excidlerit cnndltlon lalillor. Plaza if.1211. Mi-MECHEN 1st "(half, 4 rnninsTliilh.

hot wilier; K130 month, Lafayette 2201. EN ST. 2343 Ionfforii (I riHims, newly built; excellent lor doctor; business office or lieauty pallor. MONUMENT 2nd-fioor front, furnished or lltlfiirtilalied. NORTH irill) 1:.

Opp" beautiful Ready grounds 8 rooms, kitchen, pantry, bath, dev. light; water: $-10; owner garage. $0. NORTH 2IKI1 Cor. Apartment, riK)ius, hath, heat and electric; in, children.

NOHT SIOOirwT 2nd floor, ll private hath, porch, heat. NOR'Fll 2,127 Cor. II ronnis. iiorch, heat, private entrance and hath; Gentiles. PARK 20'ifl -Attractive.

3 ruoiua, kltch- euclte. hath: Genliles. LAF. 41M), PARK Lii'l Two roonia. kllchenelle. nalli. tnnnlli. venmn n-liirt. PARK 1918 1st flour.

3 rooms, kitchenetta, balh, porch; 2nd floor. 4 large roouis, bath, notch perfect condition; modern; Imuiedlata riossesslon. CHARLES MORTON. 21.1-17 St. Paul PI.

PARK 1008, Opp, Mrjiuaro ttnil floor. 5l rooma, liKchenette, piivale hatji, hot, water, I'liwilATAN 3 Bwlroom Apt facing LakeAsmiurt LIB. I'ltESSTMAN 3(132 (WaRirooli) Four roiaiia and lailh. use of porch: PRESTON 1 n'siiii. kilcheaieli'e ml hath: $3.1 mo.

DOWNING BROS, REISTERSTOWN ROAD. 4717 3 rooms, new house, private entrance and hath, back tmrch, modern improvements $L'8. Forest OQDI -J. ROLAND PARK APTS. Upland Road.


kitchen, balh, porch, refrigeration, new paper, lailut. BOULEVARD APT. 3121 St. Paul st. Four and Uve icoms, kitchen, bath.

Possession at, once. CHAS. STEFFEY, Yemen 2412. ROSLDALE 3048 W. Noriii Ava.

rnoms. buth. 3rd floor. $41. Ijf.

0024. ST. PAIL 2D1H 3 rooma. kitchen, balh. $31; also 1 room, kitchen, hath, well heated, $23.

HEL'BKCK, 2010 St, Paid st. Univ. 1210. ST. PAUL near Twenty-ninth st cor.

Soutwern exrsure; second floor. 5 roonia and tile nth: $75 per mo. Hwd. 4Ivj. ST.

PAUL, B0.1 3 rooms, kitchen, bath. $40. EVANS, 22 E. ML Vemon PI. Ver.

5875. WALBROOK, North W. 2031. Cor. l-noY- wooil 3rd floor 2 rn.i.ns.

bath k'tei'c large porcli. hot-water heat, gaa and electrie. Apily 1SU7 lingwnid st. WaT.BROOK. si3(i3 Windlor Mill It.

Third floor, 3 rooms, kilchen, bath, (ront and rear porch- aervii-e. Fnre.i WASHINGTON BLVD. 1358. Near Moutcio-ery Ward Three rooms, ail conienienees, $2.1 nionth. CALVERT 3041.

WHITFI.OCK I0 4 ROI1MN. KITCHEN AND BATH. WHITTIEIt 23031-3 floor. 5 mcnui andbath; ivnitor; reasonable. Calvert 4498.

20TH 20j E. 4 room, first floor: modern couvtnieocta. lnt welr heat. WOLFE 5.187-J. 21ST 712 2 large ro.u.

large kitchen, liatli: reavmable. Univ. 2i 22ND 5150 E. 3 ROOMS, KITCHEN. BATH.

A FEW APTS. LEFT 5 DIFFERENT LOCATIONS Two to Ave rooina. kit-ben. hath: some fur-uiahed and sun wtrh ixircbea. APPLY THE ROCHAMBEAU.

Franklin at Vernon 4020 omrirrn A rutitii ui ou juirarw We have a porch with all our apartments with sun and a wonderful view; 4 rooma. kitchen. bath and poich. and up. For sub rent Si rooms, kitchen and batb: Fngidaire; $ia: most wonderful location and ousiook; furnished if desired.

GUILFORD MANOR UniversKy Pkwy and Charles st. Hwd. 2772 J. APARTMENT (i-3 retlrelv red-ira(ed. NeL Mar Apartmenta, N.

W. Conier Whitelock at. and RnokfMd ave. Apt. D.

entirely redecorated. Iblsn N. W. Cor. and P.atemau rnsitini of ball, living-room, dining-rom.

I bed-rrsns; kitclieii. psntry. bath and 2 linen fr iiLsi-tion to-lay. AEJIS 111 Mnnv Ul lg i FACING DRUID HILL PARK I end 5 room apis ever encrrnjecce low vei CRUXES. INC.

Plaia of Liberty fContlnnel pb Vert JSJI IIOMKR WITH KLKCTIMC. KKYH AT NEARBY PROPI.IITI Kent from f3.n0 to a week. 020 W. Prtsluu tt, W. Presioii at.

ntn jasper at, Parrlfh at. 14H4 Iamiiiiioii at- 214 N. Viunent at, VOn Olteihulu M. 747 Vine at. 1217 Wliatcnat t.

4 IN Federal at, 2HH2 l. 721 Narah Aun al. Monluoniery a(. a4tn al. Iliii.l WoocLear at, I -'i HI Mhields alley.

II2M N. Mitaw at. 4ai Itowcn Court, 227 W. Chase si. 12d W.

PleaMint at, llnft Berkley al, 2714 RlS'SH si. ana Colvln it. 27112 Reese at. 2K17 Iteoisii at. porch: lot fl.

II. J. A 115 W. Naraioga at. Phone Plaa 73l lit.

2.111 Cha au 2027 Chase au Esther Place, 3111 4 Esther Pli.ce. 2SI4 Cha at. Kayolte at, 1112 N. Lurerne aia. HU2.1 Kayelle al.

UtlU N. Lake wool avt. 3017 RnVerta Place, Auplj WM. tlONOllUK, 2004 I.rimglon Bldg. Cal, IHnn.

34oa ROBii" strect! Ouly Two Blocks prom tXlt-TON PARK. Modam. new home, all iiuiirnteinenti: sli rooms ami oalli. aleau Ileal: never occupied ouly l-M) per month. Apply on "remises CU UAi.vhirr I wan.

$40 a-STOUY, rORCU-t'RONT HOMES. Newly (isptred and painted; ft rooms and hath one Ailed up for 2 email families; ntar Ldmoud sou ave. and (Iwynns Kails Park. J. H.

MTKVKNH, 2KIO Edinnnidson ave. 'JlttS or UfayetlK 1213. 202.1 ASHLAND AVENUE. Near Iikewood Avenue. Modern, new house, all imnrovementa: rooms and bath; ateatu heat.

Ouly lol) per month to goou tenauta. Apply on I'reminre or Calvert 1231 DECRf it AVENlffi; NEAR BIDDLE I It 1. hi I'. Modern, new house, all IninroveuienU: 5 rooma and lli. uever occupied; only $40 mouth to uooa tenant Apply on Preniises or Call Calvert, 2042 FRISBi' ST.

roonia. bath: $27. toon WILCOX ST. rooma. eluctrlu.

tjapereo and painted: week. JAM l')S A. LISLE, 14 B. lxlngton at. Calvert 0383.

VERY (HEAP RENT -3803 3807 OLD YORK ROAD, tliai ALCOLM LANE- I ivo slory porch front; hardwood flours, Mealll heat. J. C. Kl MP. 337 St.

Paul PI. Vernon (Ki82. 1400 BLK. MT. ROYAL AVE.

H-atorv dclltiig, rooms. II II. GISIN. 213 St. Paul St.

paths. l'liua 0820. WM. 171.1 N. COI.LINGTON AVE.

Porch front, ti rooma, IhiI.1i. electric, coal range, iiirnaee, newly pa pen-d and painted keys. Plaza 0.103 Tuesdays, Thursdays, Satutdiiya. FOR REN 1 Rividencea all part nf city and auhurlis or will sell on easy terms. THE PENT, CORPORATION.

1.108 Cltiwiis Na tlona'. Bank Bldg. Telephone Calvert 4328. BEAUTIFUL Senil-bilngalow Hill Park; garage, four bedrooma, large lot; good nelghlsira; price very reasonable. I'lionc.

MRS. NELSON. Madison 207.1. SIX naaus. eltsMriclly, bath, newly painted and papered $ri week, lido Luituuon tu Apply bin vv.

1'rariaiin at. $2.1 PER lIPlTftoland nsinis. hath; eledrin, CLEVELAND It. BEAL COLORED 2021-2(14(1 N. BOONE near i'Ytn aui iorg roau: torans, mini, rniige, electric, $7 rifleok ppl yJJIWMIn ly SIOSH Ul'DIICED BENT'AL.

Edioondsou aTe. awtlnn. (I rooms, aleam heat, tile balh, fine location. Lafayette 1243. MR.

ALBEItT. PARK HERHITS AVE. Beautiful daylight home, six rooms, bath, autch. lawn; tluo nelglihorhoixl. Mad.

3IIIM-W. 423 TUXEDO Nr. 20th Betweon W'y- niau ami urvinl mil i-argt rooma, pain. porch; $22 mo. Phone A I hut lis 80.

VVAI.HliOOU:, coiner, daylight, porcli front lioiiae, tile bath: all eonvcnieiicea; $4.1 mo. 2733 Baker at. Phono Madison SM'XlLWI )( I) STT721 22 "lmirfnnirrilTiimiHr. bath, inislern: gol condition. Bnaniway 181.1.

rtib aHIRELANir roiiiiis, alTVoiiveu" leni-es, $40 per nionth. Lib. 7332. CALHOUN 131,1 7 navnia, bath. gas.

electric. Reduced Troin $11 wa. to sis. on wk. SI40 V.

MHtT'lf- f'im-li fniiit, 8 ami iratli: pertect coiHiit 1011; iii 1110. 10. 1111-rW. AVE. (I loums, hath, electric.

fnniacej good condition. Gil. 0021. BI'tAUTIFI'frnew 8-rooin home, screens, awnings, shades. Holmes avo.

Phia 4270. 1831 COVINGTON ST. SIX ROOMS AND BATH: $.1.10 WEEK. FAYETTE 804 Nr. t'Tcniont 1 1 rooms, imth: miidem, Amity 1018VV Balto CaJM3lli.

$32. no r.3-11 Maple porch front. (I 1001111, iiimiewiAin iteany t.orn.. iu si. 2111 ST.


(44) LAKE STATION Allractive dwelling, overlook lug Lake itoland; lliree ao.rt ot latin, wirn groves of trees, vegetable garden, bcaut.llul flowers; clly water; two-oar garage. Rental $110 per month. Mir inspection arrange uuy previous evening wilh TOWSON 208 J. MODERN COTTAGE Newly painted and papered; In first-class con dltion and neighborhood. Phono Unlverally 180(1.

FERNDALE Several (1 and 7 room modem coltauea in sight of school, atadon und State rntid; lot GOxlOO. A real bargain at $30 month. U. C. BOURSE, 13 N.

First Brooklyn. Cnrtla 0141. BUNGALOW and Garage, 3(1 J'J. Htvrn-Mil Lane, near I'ark Heights 8 rooma I baths, steam heat: $.10 tier month. Apply on premises.

Liberty 24ii, Liberty ii.Mri, NEW Collage In Goviius: (I moms, balh; large low rental. SIBLEY. 610 N. Chailea al. Vernon OII40; 7 ROOMS and bath, uaragn; $35 month.

Apply F. A- Servics Station. Annapolis road. i onhiii. GOVANS, 702 Ilillcrcst Drive 7 rixiina and bath; largo let; aeml-hurigalow; rciiucea rent.

ffiii. Atnuy inn Moiicn i-oan. ROLLING ROAD. Reiav Mmlein (I rrsml house garage; potlllry house, fniit, elc. Will lease sell on convenient terms.

Call Mad. 1Q14Q. ELKKIDGE Collage. (I rooma. pantry, hath, garage, large lot.

Furnace ave. Elk. 20-R. IRwMUrTlOl oarage, at Ilomiiii, crti'l'Viiln road, $40 month. WOLFV 7IJ02.

GOVANS. 387 Eresham- 0 rooms and bath. moil; near i ork road. itKINTI'rftHTO'WN 4308 Daylight. 4 bed" rooms; Gentiles: 2 wkB.

rent, free. Lib, 0201. DESIRABLE bungalow, (I rooms, balh; nice location. MIS Narcfssts ave. I nit.

30:14. $45 MO, 7 rooms, hath. 518 Harwimd vana. Apply 510. or phono Tux.

UIIXTON New Dutch Colonial, 4 bedrooma. double garage: $1110 per month. Plaza 8270. APARTMENTS FOR RENT (45) ALLENnURST 1217 E. Preaton fit Misiern atda.

Aoply siiperintenoenr ANNESLIE APARTMENTS 120.1-5 Charles al reeL Houaekeeping Anartinent 5 rooms and bsub rent reasonable. Plaza 2370. ANTLER Maryland 22nd St. Attractive, modem housekeeping $40 to $08. CALVERT COURT Cor.

Calvert, and tin era. Sl-wmin Apr, i.lil Uliir. cai. CECIL ANNEX Sublmso attractive 4-rooni kitchen and haih. rtslueeii rental.

Cell Venum 030.1. DM VERA, AO I Eutaw PI, 1st floor. rooma, kitchen, bath, porch. Mad. 5013, appointment.

DRUID -1 and 4 roonia and bath. I'IjAZA, 4libO. FENWAY GENE VT and rouina Guilford district. 1202 EUTAW PLACK (Near buainee section). Efficiency $40 to $.10 month.


Liberty Height and Garrison 2 rooma. kiti-htn. liath; hnmcdlate or May 1: rcfrigera- tion JA.MTOIt or pnone ptiiza iium. HAMMOND HAMLYN Apts. GUILFORD RECTION.

Call Hnmewnnd 4128 or see Janitor HILTON COURT APT. A-7 2nd morna. kitchenette, batll! pia-ch. FORIX I' 8073 W. MARY ELL 102H Cathedral Slreet Two rotvne and balh: beat, hot and cold water; janitor service; also housekeeping two rPcnu.

kit'-henette and bath. Phone Ver. 7108. NEALE 3219-21 N. Calvert St.

3 rnoms bath, kitchen, iiorch. al oui.ide rooma. Edw. J. Storck.

300-300 E. 32d st Hwd. 102.17. THE RIDGE APTS Reduced rental: 8 rooms bath, kilclienett. new paper ana print: ample beet and hot water.

Apply al OfTice No. 1. 1.11R Park ave ST. JAMES APTS. CHARLES AND CENTRE BTS.

Rooms, furnished or tuxfuniished: single ot to suite. management. ST. PAUL COURT APTS. Will suhln at reasonable price, living room, dining win.

Mmera. kitchen and bath. Good cioset space. University IBQ4. UNIVERSITY r'nfcprti Parkway.

1 room, nlrwve kitchen and bath, mo. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, $70 mo. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, $100 mo. GEO. R.

MORRIS ORGANIZATION. Morris Bldg. 11 a za WK'KSHIRE 3423 Holme Ave 1st. fln4 'niatiracveJwll ALAMTda 277.12 rowni. kitchen.

ha'h: raefinaH. BAKLR ST dajligii'. 2nd -flooi private i-alh; n-v Mad. 5St4'-J. BAK.l!ii 4 p-ans.

lit and t-Jv 3 rooTP. kitchenette are! ha'h: BALTIMORE 170.1 E. Briaht 3rd 3 roonis, bath; heat; modern. Bugaiu toid-ilt. Home Very Desirable Frontage COR.

GARRISON AND KATE AVE. If Intcristed In land for alorea and apartments, group lumiei, duplexes or row uouacs, we have It hero. THEN. C. SIBLEY nil) N.

ChmlM st. Vernon MHO, 4 ACRES. MHKlrTY ROAD SECTION. Suitable for builditiii site frVr anyone desiring acreJKe, Priced to Sell whole or part. MOHI.ER PUDS.

PI. 3 E. Islington at. Near Park Heights Ave. Desirable Lots.

Terms If Desired. II. OPSIN. St. Pstil st.

Plaza 0821). WM BUILDING LOT Beautiful surroundings, Mt. Washington, near No. 21 cars nnil Pennsylvania Station: 71 fcot front: tJ.UOO; worth double. Address 4ri04, Sun.

1TVK Lots, r.ri each, mi Ulierty Heliibts Oak Junetlnn; must sell; no rcanalTp oner refused. Apply 71. Equilubte niutf. rmza BOARMAN AVENUE Lot near Garrison feU Cheap. 4S72, Sun office.

Broker, I'RANKLIN nr. Philadelphia road Singly or id group. Unliable bmirier can iiauie own terms. .1. I'TtANK PUIIib.ll.

328 New Auistenlain Bldg, milLHEIt UuH tew renin in i nic Choice Lots in liaiutiiorpe. punt up section, a uiontn. Will st.II at sacrifice. Act at once. Builder.

SK21 -Klin. 1 (VI1 II. in 12.ii2,i0 feet: limb elevation; Sio down, tnu iier uionlli. Write today for location, etu. KIOALTOR.

(1001. Gun office. LOCHEAHN Large-size, well-aliaded lots; fei-t elevation. Vemon 74H2. FIVE UITS: BUCKS BARGAIN.

THE G. A BELL CO. Houiewood 2440. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN (35) A Pretty Hcmi-lliuiyalow in i Choice Section of limiting Ridge, 700 I5ROOKWOOD ROAD. Tliis in a most attraction icm-ripitcc containing roonn niul nitiute! on a hciutifnlly hoikI' The property in verv ilesii -iildy lcratcd i.i a restricted and popular Hccticii.

THE I'KYTOX IS. STKOHKL CO. Lnjdngton bt. I'lsusa 8ti78. CATONSVILLE 2 ACRES Stucro over tile, 1 1 rooms.

8 bai oka lirejilace. huh imrlor, breakfact rcom; stable. riear wit of the class of property heinit offered yetierally in Cdtoiisville both aa to desirability and price. W. C.

PINKARD COMPANY I'lna 42H0. 1708 Citizeni National Rank Bldg. 10 MARYLAND AVENUE. TOWSON. 'h ACRE beaut ful out ook.

very near York roail Modern bouse, a rooms. Datb. Sr.encer hot-water heat: 2-car garsae: fruit and shruhiiery: all in splendid condition. Offered ui Greatly Reduced Vrice. REARS LEY KEARNEY CO.

Vcr. B098. FORCED SALE $4,500 Riirhr. on Hrtnir 1 nnuaii north of Ttt.vlor ave. County taxes; nearly new UVi-stoTy c(ittng.

rooms, oath, nnisnea atue, ga- vaae. toi ct in casem*nt, owner icavine town and must aell. RALPH TALBOTT, Kltt Amprcan RidB. I'laza oatiU. Jvenuics Ham, SACRIFICE FOREST PARK 4240 NORFOLK AVE.

Large lot. 120x11(1 feet. Corner Oranada ave. Attractive Shingltf Cottage and Garage to match. 111 rooms, bath and porches, large lawn.

Will sell at sacrifice. Investigate this sure, run, ll' s. jiiikuaa r14 S(. raul Place. Vernon CATeiNSVIIXE (Shady Nook Cor.

Nook Court.) A beautiful new. tl-room shingle cottage. porch front, title bath, hardwood floors, hot-water heat. Lot 50x150. A real bargain.

Will nuance. CRONE'R. 208 E. Lexington st. Plaza 3751.

113 S. TREJIONT AVE. At 4700 block Frederick avenue. A new home of the modern type, with reception room, living room, uiuing room am airy Kitcnen; a neurooms, tiled 1 tlx. built-in tub: electric floor sockets in every room.

Easy terms. No. 8 car going west, liilmor 421 1. VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME 8 rooms, bath, attic: hot-water heat, electric lighta. In perfect condition.

Lot garage. Price $8,000 in fee. A bargain. One car faw. Western Section.

Catigliy Company. 220 K. Lexl Eton st. HAMPSHIRE AVENUE Ci.ttage. Howard at golf course.

Six largo rumiis, bath, steam heat, hardwood floors. 4.750 $100 Down, $12.95 Weekly. WELSH CONSTRUCTION CO. Plawi 2370. A REAL SACRIFICE JVJisrern avenue rnau; comer locauon; -room h.mgalow.

in iee; lot nOxt-'O, Has, water, electric, hot-water heat; .1 car fare to city and 1 block to arhonl. Address 0082, Hun. $5,300 IN FEE 7 rooms, hath, all modern conven iences, 2-car garage, hennery; lot 120x150; Elk-ridge: 1 -square from station. Owner going abroad. Must sell.

CAUCHY COMPANY, 220 Lex, st. FOREST PARK OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL. Fine modem semi-bungalow, comer; lot K7x 150: 2-car garage. Priced reasonablv. Will finance.

Will consider an exchange. Attorney, 712 Emiitahle Bldg. Plaza B747. HAMILTON $4,130 New stucco bungalow, hardwood floors, frigid-aire. equipment connected with uew sanitary sewer: lurge lot 50x174; large attic; 1 block to New Harford Blvd.

Terms. PURDIJM BURGER. 5510 Harford road. Ham. DUPLEX Foreaf.

Park, two one now leased; well financed. Owner will carry mortgage without finance charges. Gentiles. After 6 P. M.

Forest 80B1-W. NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. Larcp, new, 7-room semi-cottage, near feeliooK Small down payment; 12 weekly includes all expenses. Soil Belair road, llnmiltor. 27W.

Builder. WEST FOREST PARK Miami Place. Beautiful new cottage. (I rooms, tiled bath, hot-water heat. JOHN W.

STYNE. Liberty 115S. OVERLEA $3,975 5-room Semi-Bungalow. Stucco. HENRY KOLB, Ham.

OHIO. Belniar ave. and BelaJr rd. IUVINOTON 2-story, 8 rooms; coveniences: garage. Jlimuci.l, riv.

must ne soiti: rooms, bath, 4 garages. A. M. EDWARDS. 31S Augusta ave.

Gil. 4307 or 4ii.i0-W. HAMILTON BARGAIN. Sefton Ave. Vi souare south of Glenmore ave.

Peautiful sctnl-bungalow; 7 rooms. easy terms. Builder. Calvert, 3024. MILFORD Largo Colonial house, cor.

Latham and Lroyuon rua. exceptional bargain. aui.uuu. WALTER H. COOK.

S27 Munsey Bldg. Plaza 3103 or Wordlawn 200-W. 8-R00M COTTAGE 1 ACRE 50 fruit treps. Price Near Emory tirove cars. vAiit.

rute Hiflft. HOMELAND lesirable home; awniuga. shades. scToens, at- tractive shnibtiery. Phone Ttueilo 204 FOREST PARK 3-faniily apartment house.

One of the finest locaticns. At big sacrifice. Address Liberty MT. WASHINGTON New, modern bungalow. 6 rooms, bath, large tte: eaay tenua.


Lexington st 320!) ECHODALE AVE. Beautiful new semi- bungalow, 7 rooms, hot-water heat, nj nnance. 3301 rctiodale ave. Ham. up7S.

SHIN'liLE Runzalow: 5 rooms: on 4 lnf on Bay Shore car line: $2.0.10. M. D. WAR- North point junction. S2 NEW Rr.NGALOW .1 rooms, electric water, acre: $7 S2W cash: B.

2S min. ride. C. DtHNli. 107 E.

Pleasant BELAIR RD. ejection New, 7 rooma. bath, cot tage. L'lt La saiie. tomierly yuicg ave.

Gt.o. A. rT.LER SONS. Hamilton 042T. SHINGLE Bungalow.

4-acre land, fruit trees, chicken yard: 2H minutes ride B. ale A. 2 SVI In lc. Terms. H.VI1.

Snn. WA1 BROOK. 1.105 N. Hilton St. 22-t.

front, 8-ioom daylight bouse; screens, awnings. sJiaues. mciuaeq. iu neip nnance. on.

COITAGI 10 rooms. beautiful 47H0 Park Heights, all modern. $400 cash, balance monthly. Owner.

6321. Sun. CATONSVILLE. 13 Locust Drive 7 rooms bath; garage: mrsiern. Kealtor.

enion 74si. $3i(MI New 6-rooiu Bungalow. J. WILSON 2nd floor. Hamil'on Airadc.

Ham HAMILTON Six room, bath, kitchenette. Hamilton 211. pantry and ST. GEORGES IkiTLnsCottage. rooms esrace- irrfi- i.

i me lirt HARFORD Kit. 4i30 Elsrode Ave. $6.81 in fee; cor, cottage: garage: owner. Ilwm. Q174-J 2910 GLILFORD AVE 3-story, brick house a c.lw.

1. II 42113 LIBERTY HEIGHTS modern anertment house. AVE. Duplet $3 A LO S. Belair Rnad Seftirn.

BniMer. Hamlltcn 2S27 BUNGALOWS, Cottages. DiV'isht Unmet, very easv tern. CITYCO REALTY i ll. PI.

WW HAMILTON. C-ruoni nii-lungak Wm A. AINin. Phone Hamilton 3378 i Broker.) GLNX ORRICK SOU Char! it, Plaxa BAIfGAIN 2 ai-'es and cottage. 1S fruit trees.

LINTIIM'I XI REALTY rn flsra T.M'l SIX frnlt t-ee. bath; 171 car line: druvi garsge: ti-- ni ii.iM-.rt. vern. im 1 HARFoRH RD dail jii. cm 1 re mijf afrerri' and Suv-la's.

wtiuo; or. can. scttuuu. Lib. b.yj.

If Interested in a How House KATB At Garrison Boulevard Is where you will Iho newest type ila)-llghl brick houun, having si win front porch, II large rooms, reception lull, hot-water hull, all I lie bath, hardwood floora throughout; tonerete strut; one-half bha'k lo Imllcy and school. Veiy low taxes. Terms as low aa down, balance same as rout. Make- selection now aa e-nod uiiinlar have already been eoid and occu-ild. Open for inspoclioit today.

Take No. 31 car. THE N. C. SIBLEY Mil N.

Charles ft. Vernon Mill). A Distinctive Cottage Bungalow, MT. WASHINGTON, On a Beautifully H'oodcd Lot. This Is out of the most allractive and conuuulioUK cottage Imugalowa In Ibis desirable suburb.

I( is well arranged, having on the first floor a living room, drawing room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, bath illled). kitchen and pantry, and on secMid floor 3 large fllll-celUd bed-riiOins and tilcrl bilb. The healing system is (he "1) hot water. There ia also it 2-car concrete garage, Priced to tell quickly. A real value.

THE PEYTON It. STROREL 20II-20S E. Lexington at. Plata S078. WESTGATE On Edmondsnn Avenue.

IMMEDIATELY ADJOINING TEN HILLS. The outstanding suburban development in 1027 and (he most promising of 1II2K, in the beautiful environment adjoining Hunting Uidge and Ten Hills. CHARMING COTTAC.ES AT $5,000 TO These home are complete, with ttlute roof. oen tirrplHccs, built-in tulw, etc, Htncts arc paved throticlioiit A quick approach to Hie center of the city and only one car fare. (All No.

14 and No. 1) cara so directly through Weut-sate). Contv Out and Select Yoyr Location Today. Th Welsh Const ruction Co. THE TALK OF HAMILTON $4,250.

Living room, dininir room, kitchen, pantry. tile bath, Imilt-in tub, ateam heat, hardwood floor. 1-piece sink. Oriol gas range, built-in ironing board, laundry trays. C.

EDfiAR AV00D Hamilton Arcade. Hamilton (1014. TOURISTS' INN On the National Highway, be- tween Washington and Baltimore. We have a country place suitable for a tourists' inn. The owner will help with the financing.

An appointment may be made for your inspection by calling Plaza 7500. GEO. R. MORRIS ORGANIZATION, Morris Building. Plaza 7060.

Charming Bungalow EDMONDSON AVE. $3,975 $300 Down $11.25 a Week. Pays all expenses and applies SI week to principal. Think what you are saving, 4 bright sunny rooms, kitchen, batb pantry; lot 46 feet front; hig elevation No. 14 oar to Edmond-son avenue and Nunnery lane or Fred erick road to ICdinondson Ridge road.

Agenr on premises. COTTAGES also. Welsh Construction Co. Plaza 2370. FERNWOOD OX GARRISON BOULEVARD.

New Types of Suburban Hoines, AT $4,450 Here is unprecedented value. Strikingly be.m-t if ul houies, each with a unique individuality and with lUtta-modern improvement and con veniences. On lame lota and paved thonrnuh-fares in a perfect location. them tixlav. WKLSII CONSTRUCTION CO.

No. 31 cars direct to Garrison Boulevard and Fern hill avenue. UNIVERSITY PARKWAY. A beautiful reini-detached horne wilh hall, livins room, flreiilace, dininit room, iwtrch and pantry kitchen on (lie ilrat floor, ihree bwhoomH and tile bath on the second floor and two bedrooms and balh on the third. In perfect condition.

The price Is reasonable. C. A. AND C. M.

DIFFENDERFFER. Plaza fir.riO. 211 N. Calvert street. 2917 MONTEBELLO TER.

A RICAL BARGAIN. This 2-story Hhinale cottaye is located only 3 doors from Harford ave. ears. Thwoughly modern throughout and in perfect, condition. Slate roof, stone foundation, hot-writer heat, cas fired; Ruud water heater and 7 larue rooma.

bath and sun parlor, shades, screens, 2-car Rarane. Lot IOOxKiO. beautifully decorated and with fruit in abundance. Iu fee or subject to moderate ground rent. NORMAN A.

HANDEL CO. Hamilton 1H59. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN! SEE MANNALEA 1 CONCRETE HOUSK, ONLY NOW. COST $7,700 TO BUILD. Sb Blocks East cf Harford Road, on Hamilton Ave.

MILL EH- KISO IN 0. Phone Hamilton RUXT0N RIDERW00D This stnie and frame home, containing 9 rooms and 2 rniths, is wort i more than is bpitiR akcl for it, so don't let. the price of 80.750 Wo you from lookinu at this house. It's just a Kreat baistain. that's all.

W. O. PINKARD COMPANY Plaza 4280. 1708 Citizens Nat 'I Bank Bldg. FOREST PARK AVE.

Beautiful Duplex Cottage. PRICED LOW. First-class condition throughout. Lot 69x140. LEE DORNBERI rial 1056.

211 New Amsterdam Bldg. TOWSON lOOxlUS-lO-jRoont Bouse. Comer property every convenience, and piicerl at such lcjv price that it minds too low. W. C.

PINKARD COMPANY Plaza 4286. 1706 Citilena Nat'l Bank Bldg. WOKTHINGTOX VALLEY. .10 acren and old rtone house on Falls nd alxive Niawan; 2 streaiufi on very rea sonaoie. THE G.

W. A BELL Hwd. 2440. Char-lea and 23rd Us. ROLAND PARK KESWICK SECTION.

$4,500 in fee Cottage. 6 rcoma. bath and kitchen, front and back porches; in excellent condition; newly rami street anil sinewams. GORDON GAMBKILU ATTORNEY. Plaza Evenings.

Horoewood 1212. See Our Newest Borne at WOODLAWN AND UPLAND ROADS. ROLAND PARK, One Block East of Roland Ave. MUELLER CONSTRUCTION 22 Guntber Building. Plaza 2230.

On Location. Tuxedo iVero Dutch Colonial Cottages, HOWARD PARK. i This thoroughly modem and attractive hemic will please you; rooms, tile bath: lot on very easy terms. TUB C. ilBLitil 110 N.

Charles st. Vernon .1046 132 ACRES NEAR OLD COURT ROAD. Baltimore comity: 6 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, large barn, hennery, all necessary outbuilding; land In high state of cultivation; fruit of ail nr'is. cp A rr2ain. CAUGHY it COMPANY.

220 E. Lei. at FOREST PARK line rooma. tiled bath, qi temi oak floors earn irtmnt. nil 3- Rtrc; wonderfully built.

KI'U'AKD H. PAUL, ni'away ate. LiPerry i.n. ALLENDALE ROAD Twotorr-and-attic modern cottaae and ea rage, large thaile, and i-ricerl. Owner mmiiig to PhiladeliaSia.

S. J. KTACKHOrsK SON. Phone Cal. 4137.

ARBCTL6. New modern 5-room bunralow. 50x100 lot. In fee All improvements: all-night ear senice. Will aell on terms like rent if purchaser can make small turn cavnteiir.

i all vert. on opal fH-pirler) THE HEAL ESTATE TRUST CO. Oiarles and dis sts Vernm evrw MODERN new. 6 rcom homea in Guy Manor. jh n.rti wnne 41.1.


ivtuge. under consiructioo. GARY OttSTKLCTlON CO. GiliniJI SOTS. "The Country Suburb." With the approach of bpriiig your thoughts, doubtless), turn to the nib-urlm uh mi ideal location for a home.

This beautiful development, in done ik'cchs to the heart of the city, linn to recommend It natural beauty, high altitude, moderate prices und dUtinction in homes. We have a well-equipped building organisation, I he Ker vices of it leading architect, a number of choice building Hites and Keverul proper! icn for resale. COME OUT TODAY. OAU011Y COMPANY, INC. 220 1-1.

I.exlnglmi st. l'iaai 1132. Glhuor MV1 TEN HILLS-SACRIFICE Owner, unnlng out ot HI I e. will tell at great sactlllce attraclivu home, alucco on hollow tile construction, con. taitiing 1) rutins and 2 bat lie.

hut-waler heat, hardwood floors, tileil hath, tluest of tlxtures, oprn tlrephicc, sun parlor, white and mahogany Mm, exceptionally well conatnictwl, single lanel Umira; screens, shade. Lot KKIx200. Kino lawn, shade, and ahriihhory, (Juick acliou will seinro you a hargnln. CHAS. II.

STEFFEY, INC. Vernon 2412. 330 N. Charles st. One of the Most Moderately Priced Properties Ever Offered in (S nil ford.

4408 EAST WAY. Think of HU7.IIIM for a new hoiiu' In (luilford. Every once in a while a tine home in a choice section nui.v bo ImhikIu at a price I hat is really unbelievably low. Kuch bii Inslance is this, 'the house Is situated on a H2-foot lot. contains rooms.

2 hulhs and sun parlor and is thoroughly modern, having liardwixd fl(srs. hot water irtpencer boilcii and other appealing HPiJoititmcuta. Theu- Is aho a garage. II is conveniently located near the (luilford School, car line and sums. Liberal financing if if desired.

THE PEYTON R. STROREL 20(1 208 E. Loxiugton ht. Plaai 807H. An Unusually Desirable Location.

LIBERTY HEIGHTS AVE. 2700 BLOCK THE Tlllim BLOCK WEST OP REISTERSTOWN ROAD. 18 TO DOWN TOWN. .1 Croup of Kcw-Type Homes. These hniiKr-e contain hot-water heat, bath t-mniA with tiled walla anil fltairs.

Roman inlaid 1 litis, showers, antoinatio hot-water heaters, two toilets and many other attractive advantages. Tin front lawns arc no feet long. Terms ran In arranged. WELSH CONSTRUCTION CO. No.

32 caia pass the prtieTty. PIKESV1LLE WOODHOME AVENUE III'SiriENCE. OrTBIIILniNGS, AND OVER 12 ACRI'SOKltEAC'ITFI'L ing f1nej krijit and shade; tiikks. kxtremely low price and will finance, brokers fully proTECTED. LEE E.

1IART.MAN 26 LIGHT ST. 5000 PLAZA. NOTHING TO EQUAL THIS BUNGALOW AT PRICE ASKED Living and dining room, 8 bedrooms, kitchen, pantry, balh, front am) rear porch. Large cupboards, 4 bedrooma, bath. mi a in heat, haidwiiod floors, 2-car garage, everything in pcilcet condition.

Lot 04-200. Fruit, drupee, Chicken Houne, Flowers, SliruHiery. Beautlfid Lawn. CAN BE LIBERALLY FINANCED. Call Mil.

BI.I11DETTE, Gtlmor tfl.lll. BETWEEN HOMELAND ft CKDAICCROFT. OAK AVENUE AT FVFSIIAM AVKNllir. JDST WEST OF YORK ROAD. The nnlv deve iitanent of morlerate-nriced Cot tages) and Bungalows on the west aide of York road witbin the nne-iare zone.

$3,975 TO PAVKD STREETS ONE CAR KARF. No. 8 car to York road and Evesham then west two blocks. Representative on premises. 'I Mr; WKLtsti t.onsi kijl'i ion cu.

A Magnificent Colonial Hrick Home in BEAUTIFUL MAYPIELI) (AUIOININ't CUrrON PAHK.l Nine rornw and li full tilnl laUu. with nlate ruf. hoi -water heat, hiird-wtxd tJctit* thrcuchout; (rarnire; larffe lot with lovi'lv Hhndc and shnihlicry. W. C.

PINKARD COMPANY Plaza. 4280. 1708 Cltizcrm Nailonal Bank Bldg. ROLAND PARK GUILFORD HOMELAND Residences, and Dp. Home Sites, $3,000 and Up.


This attractive stucco collage, with bed- rcttiis, 3 batin, hot-water nearing Plant, rtgiflalre, 3-car built-m garage, nrrers an excellent opportunity for a home anil la priced to sell. wugliy Comiany, iJ E. Lexington st. Another Mueller Home 205 PADDINGTON ROAD. HOMELAND Awaits Your Inspection.

MUELLER CONSTRUCTION CO, '22 Gunther Bldg. Plnza BUILDER FAILED GLEN AVENUE SECTION BARGAIN, fl-room iliieeo cottage. $7,100. huiig.ilcw. Clover road and Trainor avenue '1 block south of Cleii.

1 hliK-k ttist of Park Heights See agent on proiamv Similay phone I'lazi 1 inn. A. D. CLEMENS' SONS, North ave Vernon 8.100. Realtors.

21.1 E. DETACHED Cottage. $4,200: 7 rooms, hot- water neat. nr. Guiironi.

mi ton un. ri. WTLKENS 31H4 Porch front, steam neat. noeiity tsiog.

ijaivert ui.iu. R. E. SUB. HOME SITES (36) CEDARCROFT Desirable lot.

70x170 feet GEORGE M. LAMB. Tux. 134S. BRAE8IDE Elsinor I blk.

from Edmond son: county taxes: 1 fare. Catons. 140-J R. E. FARMS AND LANDS (37) EXCELLENT FARM I'oi Simply Van't Find Better Mrt.

2H acrett of level land, on Ntaia road, Uifthels of heal, to the acre. 25 acres meadow, 15 acre woodland; balance under cult ita tion. J0-nfm house, 2 tenant, large hank bam. I have never seen a better farm. W.

C. PINKARD COMPANY Plaza. 42S6. 1708 Citizens Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR SA LB OR TRADE 111 Al'ltl-'X IIHIf'hT HOUSE In Carroll county.

4 mile of Westminster. nl Mtare mid rood A-roofn hrick house, bani. poultry house, fine warer and orchard. Owner will sell for 12 .00 or trade for nicely located city property, if interested in tradn write or pliine 122 THE EDW. W.

CASE HEAL EH TA1E AGENCY. Westminster. Mr. 11 ACHES. 5 mile from State toad; good 7-room frame house, bam and outbuildings $1,800.

18 ACRES. Vt miles from State road; good 11-room trame nome. barn, outnuttaings spring and well. CASH'S REAL ES TATE AGENCY. Westminster.

Md. BALTIMORE COUNTY FARMS. 100 acrea, 2 dwellings, bank barn. 121 acres. 1 dwelling.

2 bank barns. 105 acres. 2 dwellings. 1 bank barn. Address Agent.

3776, Sun office. 46 ACRES; good buildings; fertile land: on urate void. A rooDev-making little fsrm: $4,800. JOHN WHITAKER. Reisters town.

Md. si 4.2 ACRES of around. 6-rnom house, outbuild inns. tt'ienTv fruit, sood water. Ouinlin lane.

1 mile north of Belafr road. Inquire GEORGE C. SMITH, rimerton. Md. 37 ACRES.

10 miles City Hall, hard road house modemly improved buildings; 306 acre Md. Fruit Belt: trees: National Pike. A-l buildings. M. M.

TUNIS. Guilford ave. TWO ACHES New 4 rmra bungalow, un-to- riare ail aunts nr inut: in mm from car line; $3,300. WM. LUEBBERS St.

Paul. FARM of 3i acre, for rent. Apply O. CALTR1DER SON. Belaterstown.

Md. Phi-ne Reisterstown 40 ACRES. HOUSE AND OUTIHML'MNGS 1 mile off Philadelphia, road, H- from Bal'miore. Wolfe t00 I'ASH tmvs seven-ar'e farm csa- in.rlee. small house.

SCHNtPFE. Plaza 17 fc. Saratoga SL 0-ACRE fano. 4-rona Imme. berr.

water-frit rigliii. Small easy term. liilmor arill I. P. xlr o.

ratine H.i-ei.. Tt-w' iia W.mtmter FARM I ren. 6-ruum hwe and ou'jiuildinf aiauy reaiurea ciimuiiiu id lunar innu iriuy distinct Ive. Only material with national repu- in cn ror i' neat tiusi uy nave neen iiaent ulicn for highest thnir ennatriii-tlriti. their eonatriictlnti, The plana were declined by a leading architect and by competent builders.

And the location la very desirable, NORTH ASHBURTON BUILT TO SELL FROM UP ON SEQUOIA AVENUE (Between Dennlyn are. and Kllamont road). TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. Convenient to churchea of all deuouilnatious. alao public and iiarnchial schools.

Sample HotiHe Furnished tiy Montgomery Ward Co. Open for Jtupet'tlon Until 0 u'Clock I'. M. Take No. car (marked Wocdluwn or Howard l'arkl to Liberty Height ave.

and Ellaniont road, ASHHL'RTON, then walk two squares north on Kllainoiit mad to Nisiuda avenue. NORTH ASHBURTON IMIVEUIPM ENT Seipinla uve. and Ellamont road. Anto at Your Service. Liberty 7.130.

NORTH BALTIMORE. i'llrt HOBB ST. a atory. aun porcli. rooma, lialh.

7U K. 8T. rooms, 1 Iwth: very Ktdtable for remodelinit for store; 4 doors from (frceunioiuit ave. A It HOTTSTON Vicinity new City Col-line 'i Hory. porch front, 8 rooms, 1 bath; very cheap.

2740 story, rooms, 1 hath, poich front. 8211 W. 82ND cash take this now home. IIKHI BAHC.LAY ST. Corner house: 8 rooms, 1 bath.


'-'ll N. Cnlrert st. Druid lliil Park; Aft. Royal Terrace. Elegant Home, Here is a semi-detached home wtih rluiracter.

comfort and beauty, roomy and aivy, all city conveniences, In a deliiiht-ful liHik enviionme(it. It has porch front. 1(1 rooms, 2 baths, tine bnrdwid floors, beautiful clcctrh wall brackets in livinu ro; Iwtth room on 2nd floor ccsl. Solmyon's Couer screens; nil sorts of and comfortable conveniences. You Nil! like It.


Take No. 5 or 83 car to Park Heights ave. and Garrison Blvd. Walk on (iarrison Blvd. into Oakuiont to property.

On Beautiful, Wide, Paved MANCHESTER AVE. (At 4820 Reisterstown road.) J. J. KIRKNESS, Builder. Open Until 10 P.

11. Forest A CATALOGUE OF HOMES! "The Rpultora' Bulletin" the official orcuu of the Real Kstnte Board of Baltiuiore contain- a list many of the most dp-sirable properties mm on the market. for frpe copv of Bulletin No. fiO. THE REAL ESTATE ROARD, 7 St.

Puul St. Plaza 8o32. DON'T BUY Until You See the Stone Porch-Front Homes 750 BLK. E. McKEWIN AVE.

2 LEFT OUT OV 20. 3 rooms bath, hot-water beat, hardwood floors. ALSO 1 LEFT ON ELLERSLIE AVE. (4 Bedrooms.) Greeumoiuit ave. car to 80th walk east, OPEN UNTIL P.



I) SOLD IN ONE DAY. Terms to suit. Complete duplex. S14fi extra. HARRY VIClinr.S Rn H.r 13il Open for Inspection I) A.

M. to fl P. LAKE MONTEBELLO SECTION 1800 street, One block from 33rd Street Boulevard. Attractive corner property. Fnie daylight porch-tront brick bouse.

7 rooms and tile balh, hot-water heat, awnings, screens, shades, and wcatherstnpped. ono cr cairiniore nnest scnoois. GUNN ORRICK INC 30(! X. Charles st. Plaza (1530-7028.

2923 X. CHARLES T. Beautifully inr.ated, directly across from Wyman Park. bedrooms. 2 ba.hs- besides usual downstairs plan.

2-car itaragc. An opportunity to purchase a home of this typo does not occur often. Inspection by appointment only. C. A.


WILL FINANCE. 1021 X. MILTON AVE. 6 rooms, kitchen and uaui every mooern convenience. 40H REISTEltSTOWN Iil.

a rooms, kitchen, bath, steam beat, hardwood tloors, stone rtirc iroi r. 4024 BOAHMAN Forest Park 7 rooms. sun panor anaoaiu; every modern conven ience; serai-detached. Lot 33x120. CROXER.

20S K. Lexington st. Plaza 3751. 'S00 HARFORD AVK At Alameda a beautiful 2-storv rnntlpm home, itot-water heat, 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor; in best of condition, directly opposite entrance to Clifton Park; can be seen alter a a. win sen reasonable.

WM. J. STEIN. 2317 E. Monument st.

Wolfe 3180. 2811 KEYWORTH AVE. $4,500. Porch-front, dwelling. 4 bedrooms, steam heat Close to schools, churchea and cars.

Caughy Oomiany, 220 E. Lexington st. 4014 CLIFTON AVE. New daylight home. Open Snndayt.

$.100 cash, $1.1 week. J. A. REALM EAR SON. 911 Fidelity Bldg.

Plaza 2411). 1100 DOWN. New daylight homes; 6 large rooms, pantry and bath; individual porches, steam beat hardwood floors: lJi block to new school. E.i W. DUNNING 712 Madison ave.

Vernon MPS. After 1 P. Gil. H648. 2914 Cresinont ur.

Wynian Park. O.NB LEFT 1 BDILT. 11 Bath: Individual Stone Porch, Price 750 Terms If Desired. Steam Heat Homewond Realty 16 t. Lex.

3800 ARCADIA AVE. (formerly 400 block), block from Reisterstown road Wilson ave. brick, porch-front, daylight homes; $100 down JJ10 per week to reliable people. BERNARD M. SAVAGE, A 021 TITLE BLDG.

Calvert. 2731. R. E. SALE OR RENT (32) POPLAR 10 miles out Philadelphia lid.

Six acres, 9-room house, electric, barn and .13 fruit trees, 50 grape Tines, or namental stiruooeTy, nus aerrice, at t. ft u. Railroad, school and church. Call Hwd. HOl'Sli on Harfcrd Al condition; reason able; will finance.

Harford ave. GOOD Daylight Houses, reasonable. Apply 3510 Old l-redencK road R. E. FOR EXCHANGE (32a) WILL SACRIFICE FOR J25.0OO STEAM YACHT "COURIER" 110 feet long: originally cost $197,000.

or will trade for apartment house or ether desirable real or personal iirouertv. MR. BRESSLLIt. 1320 Hmbling. Calvert osai.

WlUy exchange cottage. Forest Pk. $4,000: oi semi-buimalow. Libertv Huts, section. X4 U.VI for 2 or 3 story house in city.

ELK BEALTY. nu t-exington St. riaa rtftii. WHAT HAVE you to offer in exchange for pro line. ive city property.

(12 multiple Bldg. riaza oi-ii. WILL TRADE Modm city Home, western sec-tiou, foe Small Bungalow in Arbutua. Hale- tliorj. lns-towne.

Mm. MODERN (i family ainrtiuent will trade for aiib-irban Imaie; nrincipala only. Address Il'-INKK. IITIH. snn ofTice.

IF VOL want another property, but must get rid of what ynu now rwn. see our "Trade trept. 31 All lia) N. Kntaw at. i.U-i"Jii.v, Ajiartment House, exenange ror iots or rarm.

Mm. WILL exchange njuity of in Duplex apt. for small home in Onilfrrd. Broker. liilO.

Sun. CITY and Country Prorerty Kxchauged. A. J. TIKtTXFY.

1310 Reisterstown Pikesville. LOTS CITY SUBURBAN (34) WITHtBSrOOS ROAD. LOT Owner antheme ua to submit all rtfeT. SI STACK HOI'SF tk SON Phcre Cal. 4131 13.17 CHELEA RD.

lot r.2vl22 ablv T.riccd. Plaxa 7WI. BROKER. LOT at Guilford: choice location. Uwuer wil "'1 be'i rest.

633 IDEAL COUNTRY HOME 40 An excellent farm, Au Ideal location; gil lion-', splendid outbuildings. House hisrtml and lighted. Large ihiikiMl Ihhism, growing crops, lm, grain, He, 3 lim'ttn, 1 t'nm. ') sows, ia Leu In i i-liicknis, full line c-cellcnt fanning machinery, all iiicIuiIihI In Hie aln lce. Kor sale, prior to April 1st only, at the alsne price, W.

C. PINKARD COMPANY 421. 37IW 'h1isJiV'IJaiik Bldg. NORTil I.i NTlil( acres, nwiii tiunga. low iiifslcm and furnished almndancr cf choice fruit: poultry nluiit to care for l.OHU rblckena.

'J ACRIiH; modern (l-rfsan house; DO liuil trees; gootl Crtlt rullldlugs. 13 ACRES; loom bungalow. 12 and 10-rtxmi eoltsgt. IT ACRES' mid 4-riHHii bni.a. Many large Karma for All Pnrpiwm.

1IOWK IMIMIDVUULNT COMPANY. GOtl Ht. Paul Place. Vernon 105. Mr, Wiirtnuer.

PINE LITTLE TRICK AM) POIiLTTTS FARM, near Kelilrrslnun ami car line: 12 acrw: dwellings; all uis'i'uary onlhuildliiga, flue tniit. A bargalu, tl.oon oihor latins, largo anil small, $sii and ipi, W. A. PIIKLI'M. 401 Kali Ill N.

Charlrs si. TKIJCK FARM KOR II K.N 1.1 acres on Nlckodeuiua road. I ta miles west of Itelstrrkliiwn; good house, 3 chicken houses, ouitiuiiiiiiiiis, asmtigiia pens, (fulls, graneh, etc. Immediate possession. Apply MM.

POHI.MAN, 1H2II ilind. Ideal for Tourist Camp, POST ROAD JNN Sut'veafijul Tea Room. A perfect location on flue hirram, fully juii-i't'fl witli every HoUh contalnn 10 rwm iunl tilh, IH Hi i'pft of IhihI on one uf Hultlinon1' tittt in ihwmwlifareH; imo proxiniiiy to rily. l'llcu A inoM unusual ofliTinir. W.

COMPANY Plaa -I2SII, 170,4 CliiMiia Nat1 BaukHldg. N( CAfill and 1" sire poult tanua. .1 l.lnlhiciun 1" lanlliillmi st Calvert HI1 tt ilAUYLANP tt PI NS', lariiia calaloinie tree Wrlre lor one. A CALHOUN. Parktnn.


On Bird river's ilncst develoianent. l-'lis-trlclly, hand mails. Address irewtoner, 'ma, buii onue. HIVIERA BEACH COTTAOE Must sell ltractive collage emitaininc five drooiim. large living and iiituug room, open rlrepliice, kitcliun and tilth: bilge iivhe; elw- triclty; aleuidaiioo nf shruhlsiry; 2r garage.

Cull Honwwooq .1 ti i r. i. iigoui THE P1NES-0N-SEVERN HllvnAinw Moat attractive location. II bed- rooma, large living room with big tlreplace. kitchen, bath.

am. $2.1100. Terma to auit. Call Plaza or write a. Kiingion miom no.

FISHING and Ducking Shore, only $0(10. on letns to siuti nortneast or iiauimore: si mnrit and mcrlnnkinii Cliessneake Bay in Harford county, wlili no restrictions on spring timing, tiwner. fun. rriu hk nt AT HlVlliRA BEACH. Wall fiimilim) hunuatnw.

three bedrootna. large living and dining room, kitchen; well lo cated: safe, sanny neaen; excenem. view. viu rent by season or month. Call I'lara MW7.


THE P1NES-0N-SEVERN nunptnlow lota, SUM); on nionildy paymentu, Sl'lY I'lie rmea i.entrai FOR JftLiaiiwo chore, UhcIc River; 4U acre-. MAT! It nONVETXY. WILUAMS A PARK, commprcK ann warer am. ria.a 2i SEVERNA PARK, MD. Restricted Year-Hound Waterfront Hoineplaca lirry-nve minutes irom naitimore, 40 ACRES, West river; old il-rcK-im housu, barn; J.lou lent irnutaRo on salt wilier.

lonns, W. (I. WILLIAMS, 3(i03 RittenhotiHe Wafihltigloii, 1). 0. LARGE Store and Dwelling.

Tllman Rnad; also 4 acres giouiiu noruering on I'-asiern nay: prciscssion at once, price Imiuire GEORGE C. SMITH. 1'lllUTtou, Md. Bli.M.'ll. on the Chesapeukii.

Several cozy n-ronm nnnatows ann mis on ens? icnna, f). RI'ITENHIIIISK Cllinnr WAT F.R Fit ONT HOMES Near Annapolis. CHESAPEAKE REALTY Carvel Hall. Annapolis, DESIRABLE water-front lot on Tisld'a Farm; near car line. II.

II. warn mi, ftoriu roint llUtlCllOll; -m. I HAVE Stl water-lriait lols for sale; asphalt road to property; 51,1 to folio, call me quick. I'l. "Jriini.

troni to MAIlllTHY almve six acrea new 8-rixnn house, jtiei-, arPisian well. MorriH A. Rome. L'Ki rairrrt sireet, SEVERN RIVER.

Vi mile fiom blvd. and traina. Bungalows Willi llgnra, warer, pnones also lots and acreage. Aililrcss 4102, Sun. ROWLEY'S QUAItTiatS.

Chesapeake Bay and Mlildle River. WM. H. GISIN. 2i.H St.

Paul. Plaza 0820. BUNGALOW at Manhattan Beach. Magothy river; lino iiaiiniu iiiiu uauima tio uui" street, Vernon s()70. MIDDLEBOIIOUGH.

Middle River. Well-Located Lola. II GISIN 213 St. Paul. Plaza.

0820. BARGAIN, Severn fl-room bungalow; all con veniences; tlnaneen. il.1lil. nun. linveeron.

FOR GOOD water In.nts call ASHBURTON i'l Ni.i ri'ieiuv mna. nnu SHERWGiiD KillEST. on tlie Severn. Office 411 N. Charles st.

vernnn $18,10 New hungalow on water ftont. Long ii Point on Mago'hv Tenna. Atty Tux. WATERFRONT PROPERTIES. CHARLES LEE ANNAPOLIS MD WHITEHALL BEACH LOTS Overlnoging the Glieaane.iKe Mmall newn riavmenr i-isa n.ijn MAGOTHY MANOR Waterfront sites.

$200 lo glirai alnnsvllte linn, niereioner. i Pf.NEII I'M ON THE HAY Take Annapolis Blvil near leir on sieinuain rn rinya i $3 80 WK buys hungalow and 2 lota. Huckiie lleacll. 11 r. I I I ...1 A u-J n.

i.narir. ri CLEAHWAIEH BEACH LOTS. $110 Term to suit, -pin American mug. riaza E. SHORE PROPERTY (39) WATER-FRONT Bungalows For Rent, Middle River.

SHIVERS. VVrnon 3880. rooms, furnished; Rock Creek. Phone Calvert 2l)7Ji SHORE PROPERTY FOR TAILS l.AIl, llA.MII.IUl u.nio. PICNICS OUTINGS (40) BOOK YOUR PICNICS at Cape May Beach.

Middle River. SHIVERS. Ver. 3880; booklet. REAL ESTATE COUNTRY (41) NEAR co*ckEYSVILLE.

30 acres of rich, level valley land wilh beautiful stream. Large frontage on maisadara rued right in the Worthington Valley. Improved by semi-bungalow, garage and large chicken house. Will aell building and 10 or 20 acres if desired. Owner will finance.

HVLAND 1'. STEWART, fUf) N. Charle Vernon 4472. HOWARD COUNTY. (14 Mile From Fllicott City).

4'4i acrcn rich land; splendid home with 7 rooms arid modem balh, sun porch, electric lights, fluent spring water (electric pump). 4 line outbuildings, large, old ahada treca. all kinds of fruit: priced right. R. B.

Pue 2 E. loxiugton st. Calvert 2174. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HUME. An unusual offering In an attractive collage, ill every particular, witli reasonable acTcegf.

The price is right, and so is the linimc-ing. Realtor. fiSUD, Sun irffiie. FOR SALE A eiy deairahle Bummer home. My 8-rootn frame house, located aiong State (East end), Taneytown.

Md. 10 minutes' walk to square. Hardwood floors, all conveniences and necessary outbuildings. Apply to Alhn F. Fewer, Tanertown, Md.

C. i P. 33 F11. ONLY $20 MONTH 6-rooin house and one ai re of ground. Pleasant I' ranklinlown electric ligliU: crmveiiient to car line; close to city.

Call Caltert 37flO FARMS AND COUNTRY HOMES. HARRY M. LOBD. 1114 SU Pan! atreet. R.

E. FOR RENT CITY (43) 425 N. CAREY ST. 9 rooms, hath; excellent condition very low rent. Apply 1213 W.

Franklin st. Gilmor 4770-J. 260.1 OSWEGO AVE Cottage. 8 roonis. con-nieiice Int.

WJin; $rl mo. Mad 21KI3 W. $2.1 MO I rooms, t.llli loo atuveal; whltl netghbora. Apply Montpelier atreet 1322 X. BROADWAY ti rooms, elec, newly papereil ana pamwil.

I.lneny $8.7.1 WEEK Remington porch front. 6 rooms, hath, electric LIBERTY 7813. BLNTALOU Near new W. II. ntileni.

nos prvrli: reaw-nahle. Wolfe 244a. RAMYSAY STREfT-fl rroma, bath, electric; reascnable. LIBERTY 7813. ROOMS, batb.

gas and electric. Apply 1232 Spring street. Mr-rrell Park. MORLAND IBM). Cor.

Baker at. rc.nia nantm. $45 Lib 41122 FOR HOUSES APARMLNTS. SHORES. SEE T.

R. BOND. 11 E. LeiltgUin st. Fiata S888.

iei3 EDMONDSON $10 50 week. 711 lm. $4 weel- M. Srhe. Cal.

SUM. .1722 WINNER AVE Ponlico 8 rooms, kltch-enctr. riKlern: $40. Vemnai 3fK8. 1H12 EDMONDSON AVE- Hi roan-.

2 hatha. fi 3 aii's. H. II Brmn. Hay -t.

CECIL AVE Nr. North fi rooms, bath, hi-watr heat. Hamilton GOOD CoUtRKr' HOMES $3.24 AND UP. Call 100 North Euuw sU Boom CIS. DaylSghl Honnes MODERN IMPROVEMENTS.

$100 Cash, $12.50 Weekly 1200 BLK. N. DECKER AVE. Between Pretton and Biddle Sti. WESTON STREET CAR GOING EAST rmiKcr to propertx.

Sample rlotsuu OpD For Inspection Until 10 P. M. Clifton Park (3 STONE PORCHES, MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. IV'tii Finance 2400 BLOCK R013B ST. HARFORD AVE.


GOVANS 600 BLOCK RADNOR AVE. Sun parlor, rooms, InrludlnR breakfast Mum, sleeping porcli, tiled bath (built-in tubl, Ranitas kitchen and bathroom. In kitchen, 1-piece sink, white enamel range and cabinet, Gantry; steam heat, hardwood doors, fireplace, mndry trays: Toledo electrical fixtures. $500 Down, $15.50 Weekly One Bldg. Association Mortgage All Expenses.

Take No. 7 or 8 car lo 4SOO Mock York which is Radnor ave-; li block cast tu the proiierty. RICHWOOD DEVELOPMENT Radnor mid Locust Aves. I'Jiiza 4082. A New Idea In Homes! Trrrazzo Slci and Copini.

nMMV Reinforced Porch Floors. jCLC'WU' Sl.ni8h 'J ilt- Cornice. L'-STORV STONE PORCH-FRONT HOUSES. Block North of West North Ave. Cars.

The suburban idea of arrangement right here in the city 100 feet across from house to house. (Mhcr unusual features: Chaniber-lain vveatherstripped and caulked, cedar storage clu-iet. open stairs, built-in Lalhtul), automatic hot-water beater, etc. 2000 BLK. BRADDISH AVE.

AT 27(H) W. Oln r.VKMNIiS. Nortni LAl'AYKT I 1243. 12 SOLD IN 3 WEEKS Never Before Such hom*o Value, XO-Koot Type Uaylisht Hoonee, $4,475 NOR.MOUNT AVE. AND ROSEDALE ST.

A NEW OPKHATTOX. Indindual gtonc iwchcs. fidl Koman inlaid teibs in tiled Ivithrwjnis, r-paciou iront lauu. paved streets and alleys. will l-ay you lo aco them today.

20 MIXCTES TO DOWNTOWN. No. 4 cars to Belmont uve. and Uloomiiig-dale road (Poplar tirova Walk west to properly. THE WELSH CONSTU tJCTION CO.

230(1 KDMOnXSON AT BENTALOn 230U KOMONDSON AT ItENTAI.OU 23(10 EUMONDHON AT ItKNTAl.olJ A duly wonderful two-story, porch front home at, a sacrifice price. Xew open brick fireplace, hardwood floors, two extra sun parlor roonn3. stucco over brick garage. Bee RIOALTY MAHT. 100 X.

Eutaw st. $100 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT 1210 Belmont ave. Montpener st. 1Pt N. Bradford st.

2012 Oakley st. MOO Cedar ave. 2022 Oakle.v st. tOlli N. Chester st.

N. SuririK St. t302 N. Central nve. 1225 Wilcox st.

Ileal Values on Terras You Can Handle. SOUTH REALTY COUI'OKATION. Plaa 422S. 10 S.ontb street. THIS WILL INTEREST YOU If you are lookins for a strictly modern two-tory house in a nice neigbborhoiHl.

six daylight rooms. st'am heat. etc. Price only (i. R.

fBO.lM. Terms same as rent. per month Apply 1810 Thomas avenue, near West North avenue. Walbrook. Brick Duplex Onlu Sun rarlor.

4 moms, kitchen, bath, each: bard wood floors, steam heat, 2nd apt. rented $S0 month; A-l PRESTON' REALTY 8 K. Lexington at. REALTOR. Plaza fi720.

$25 CASH 1633 Ashburton street. And $11 per week will buy this 2-storj 6-rooio home with all modern conveniencea. BOBKRT SEFP. 231 St. Paul PI.

Plaza 78.15 OWN YOUR OWN HOME We will lend you the money at 10 years to repay: no money required only good name- Talk wrtu our patrona. is yeara ot success. FIRST MORTGAGE HOME ASSN, St. Paul and Pleasant. Plaza B312.

SELL QUICK We may have a member yoiir property will nut. no commission, bee ouier aa. FIRST MORTGAGE HOME St. Paul and Pleasant. Plaza 5312.

SSTiO LAURETTA Xr. Ednroudson rooms, daylight, honre, ail conveniences; cheap tor casn or writ sell on easy payments i car lines 1 but. away. Pncsne curtrs P14I tor de' tails and appointments. H.

C. BOUBKE. JR. 12 N. 1st Brooklyn.

CALLOW AVE. First, block above North 3-lory, stone- Pont house, two baths; apt. on thrr4 floor, Kate the price. and cronnd rent. 8.

.1. STACKHOt'SE 4 SOX. Phone Cel. 4137 ONLY $3,200 2121 PENROSE AVE. Jlodern 2-storj home, has 6 rooms and bath; every modern convenience; nice condition.

HARRY C. STENGEL 3 h'. Lwcington st. Plaza VH.jI. G09 E.

35TII ST. Ottage. 8 rooms, bath: modern conveniences lnt 25x150; ground rent, S4(l; terms. For mspee tion call HOMEWOOD 0351-J. 170S CHILTON STRKET.

-(Montebello Section). Pesirable 2-torv. corch front, all conveni enra, 4 bedrooms; owner will sacririee for quick gale. G. P.

LAT TE.VRKROKR. 417 TitleBMg. NOTHING DOWN New C-atory, porch-front bouse In S. W. aer lion.

Pay $10 week. Inquire BROKLTt. Plaza 712 Knuitable Bldg. 3400 Block Ravenwood Ave. NEW STONE-PORCH DAYI.IOHT HOMES.


fl rooms, balh. good condition; reasonable. THE WHITELEY-PBATT 2533E. Mcnument st. Wolfe IW.11.

A FINE LOCATION Facing ld. Casualty 707 W. 7th st SHIPLEY. Builder. Unit.

2405. WELL-BUILT HOMES AH Sections Easy Terms THOS. MUI.LAN. HWD. 4216.

HERE'S A BARGAIN 2132 Bronkfleld 9 rooms. 2 baths. Cal. W. B.

MU TER. Pt E. Lexington st. CALVERT 2022 Newly painted and HI rooms and batb. kitchen, steam heat.

Real Plaza 70P7. 1C3S MOSHE.R two-story. 6 irooms and bath; food condition; Ruud heater; reaeon-able. Apply li'34 Sloher srreet. 8713 EDMONDSON AVE.

It ROOMS AND BATH: (JOOD LOCATION FOR REACT PARLOR. APPLY TO MRS. NICHOLSON. 5 ROOM3 and bath; hcsc: near City Ci liege and IWloo Park. Will sacrifice.

cnice. PATTEBSON PARK Bargain 2 -story T-room home: t-water beat, bath, electric. rcresr in.iii. SOTHING DOWN 810 per week will buy 3-atory house. roonia.

bath, electric, gas, fur-nsce. J. E. BEVANS. 703 Greenmcnnt ave.

S2.650 EIIJHT ROOMS: 126. S47 WEST CONW AY ST. tHtSntlCE-RIULT HOMES. S4 -HM. Highland Heme Bldg- Lexrogtcw Bldr A CARLIN HOME NORFOLK AVE.

A real bargain. Lif. 21m3. IP.roker.l WALBROOK uial I 1 liaie; cara hot water lint: rnenf.ce: I'-. 1742.

H. E. CORNER Wflsm a-v! Dm lnrtoii Aim. pa-as' inclrdrd: re3ooari. Mil l.ilrno-4Lt:t.

ill VLEKI.Y liuj-s new li-vc harrT need flc-43, steeia heat, ZKK $8800 co*kNER LOT. sislS, on Glenmore HILLS New narici ccna in tmmiuon. nuLrtt vitn. iitn tfrangenne, no. aAJaA.

akaW aT(--a a st.aai iiaf fl ITfix.

The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


Does The Baltimore Sun still exist? ›

About the Sun

The Baltimore Sun, founded in 1837, is the largest daily newspaper in Maryland and owns the Capital Gazette and the Carroll County Times. Our mission is to deliver the truth every day.

Is The Baltimore Sun conservative or liberal? ›

Since Smith's acquisition of The Sun, the paper has become more conservative, and has published more stories on Baltimore mayor Brandon Scott and his administration, as well as crime in Baltimore.

Who started The Baltimore Sun? ›

Journalist and printer Arunah S. Abell launched The Sun newspaper in Baltimore in 1837. His venture grew into the A.S. Abell Company, which published the Baltimore Sunpapers.

What is the nickname for Baltimore Maryland? ›

The nickname "Charm City" came from a 1975 meeting of advertisers seeking to improve the city's reputation. Efforts to redevelop the area started with the construction of the Maryland Science Center, which opened in 1976, the Baltimore World Trade Center (1977), and the Baltimore Convention Center (1979).

How much does the Baltimore Sun cost? ›

Please review your subscription information below.

You can cancel your subscription anytime by calling 443-692-9011. After the $9 for 1 year introductory rate, you will be automatically charged $19.96 every 4 weeks. Maryland residents will have 6% sales tax added.

Is Baltimore a declining city? ›

Baltimore City is just one of three areas in the state that saw a decline, in addition to Baltimore County and Garrett County. According to the population estimates as of July 1, in 2021 Baltimore City had a population of 576,578. In 2022 the population was 569,107 and in 2023 decreased to 565,239.

Is Baltimore Republican or Democrat? ›

The majority of voters in the state of Maryland live in urban metropolitan areas such as Baltimore and are affiliated with the Democratic Party.

Why is Baltimore considered the South? ›

Maryland actually sits below the Mason-Dixon Line, which divided free states in the north from their slave-owning counterparts in the south during the Civil War era.

Is Maryland a Democratic city? ›

Maryland has long been a Democratic-leaning state, and no Republican presidential candidate has won it since George H. W. Bush in 1988.

How many readers does The Baltimore Sun have? ›

In print and online, The Baltimore Sun reaches 1.3 million readers each week in the Baltimore area, making us the region's most widely read source of news and information.

Who runs Baltimore? ›

Brandon M. Scott is the 52nd Mayor of Baltimore, working to end gun violence, restore the public's trust in government and change Baltimore for the better.

Who is the editor of The Baltimore Sun? ›

Trif Alatzas was named Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Baltimore Sun Media in March 2016.

What is the Baltimore accent called? ›

A Baltimore accent, also known as Baltimorese and sometimes humorously spelled Bawlmerese or Ballimorese, is an accent or sub-variety of Delaware Valley English (a dialect whose largest hub is Philadelphia) that originates among blue-collar residents of Baltimore, Maryland, United States.

What is Maryland old name? ›

Officially, the new "Maryland Colony" was named in honor of Henrietta Maria of France, wife of Charles I. Lord Baltimore initially proposed the name "Crescentia", the land of growth or increase, but "the King proposed Terra Mariae [Mary Land], which was concluded on and inserted in the bill."

What are Baltimore residents called? ›

• Urban density3,377.5/sq mi (1,304.1/km2)
• Metro2,844,510 (US: 20th)
44 more rows

Does the Baltimore Blast still exist? ›

Leagues come and go but the Baltimore Blast stays. Currently, they play in the brand new Major Arena Soccer League (MASL).

Are there any Arabbers left in Baltimore? ›

An arabber (or a-rabber) is a street vendor (hawker) selling fruits and vegetables from a colorful, horse-drawn cart. Once a common sight in American East Coast cities, only a handful of arabbers still walk the streets of Baltimore. They rely on street cries to attract the attention of their customers.

Does Baltimore still exist? ›

Baltimore is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Maryland. With a population of 585,708 at the 2020 census, it is the 30th-most populous US city. Baltimore was designated an independent city by the Constitution of Maryland in 1851, and is the most populous independent city in the nation.

Does Baltimore have a newspaper? ›

Baltimore Sun

Bringing you breaking news, sports, entertainment, opinion, weather and more from Baltimore, Maryland.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.